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March 12, 2019

The Morning Report - 3/12/19


Good morning kids. Tuesday and the big story for me seems to be House Speaker Nancy "Palsi" Pelosi declaring yesterday that moving to impeach President Trump is "off the table." Considering that impeaching the President has virtually been all they have talked about since just after 9:00PM Eastern on election night 2016, this is kind of a stunning turnabout. Rush Limbaugh made the observation last week that, with the likelihood that the long-awaited Mueller report will essentially have nothing in it of any substance that would remotely resemble a high crime or misdemeanor with which to go after the President, they will more than likely postpone impeachment until after the 2020 election, as was the strategy used against Richard Nixon. Impeachment is a political proceeding and not criminal, so to go ahead now - especially with nothing to charge him with and with his approval numbers well in the 40-plus percent range (higher if you discount the pollster cheat factor) - it would not be a smart move. Of course, Palsi and company make the assumption that they are going to hold the House and considering 2020 is a Presidential year, when you weigh all the incredible things Donald Trump has done virtually by himself and the infanticide, official anti-Semitism, Green Leap Backward and Russian collusion on their side of the equation, I think their holding the House is very much in doubt.

And that brings us to the parallel situation of the internecine struggle for control of that party itself. Palsi's maneuver is as stated a tactical gambit, regardless of the soundness of her reasoning given the aforementioned. I think that it is also a shot across the bow and quite possibly even a punch into the face of the upstart Young Turds and their puppet-master Saikat Chakrabarti. Yes, he's the one pulling the strings of the so-called "Justice Democrats" if not bankrolling them, which is more than likely from ghoulish goulash Soros, but that's another story. Considering Rancid Taliban only last week was crowing about being the one to introduce articles of impeachment, Palsi's proclamation and assertion of authority is not going to go down well with these people. Pass the popcorn.

The other big story is President Trump's unveiling of his budget, which correct me if I'm wrong is the first official budget to be rolled out in years. Since the Obama 8-year Reign of Error, we've had nothing but continuing resolutions and concomitant shutdown kabuki-bukkake theater. Yes, there's no way the House is going to pass this but the nearly $2 trillion in spending cuts and more importantly the nearly $8 billion in funding for the border wall is something the Democrats are going to have to explain why they are against since doubtless this President is going to promote it like crazy. I hope there are codicils in there specifically cutting any and all bennies to illegal aliens because that is red meat. And a good line of attack, which I hope he uses, is to tell people who bitch about cuts to so-called "entitlements" (how I loathe that word) should support the border wall because it's illegal aliens who are leeching off of their tax dollars. And see the first item in the immigration section. Breitbart had an exclusive interview with the President where he discusses a number of issues including, of course, immigration.

Also of note, Daniel Greenfield on the metastasizing of Joo-hate from the campus to Congress, more revelations about the frauds that are Chiquita Kruschev and Puppet Master Chakrabarti, Tucker Carlson stands firm against the anti-American front group Media Matters and their attempts to destroy him, Levin on Nadler's real Russian ties, break up the SPLC and as long as you're a Democrat you can get away with murder.

Elsewhere, "Bro-Fo" Omar opens cake hole and emits flatus, at last Hillary will be in Wisconsin... for the 2020 convention in Milwaukee, Fauxca-Has-Been dreams of DC state hood and two more senate seats, 2020 hopefuls silent on court-packing, and DeBolshevik's handlers tell it like it is.

Also, a closer look at Bruce Ohr as well as the connection between the dossier and an ex-Russky agent murdered in England.

At the foreign desk, SoS Pompeo orders all remaining US diplomatic personnel out of Venezuela and Russia hit with more sanctions for propping up Maduro, Theresa May in Brussels with another Brexit vote scheduled for today, Iran could be skirting our oil sanctions thanks to some sort of loophole, I like Hungary's Orban and his mindset, and yes, hit South Africa with sanctions. Hard.

Rounding out the links, several rage-inducing links in the education section vis a vis the muzzling/persecution of normal students and lastly Michael Ledeen on the nexus of Joo-hate and Socialism, Salena Zito with a parable on baseball and American life and Christian Toto talks with Bernard Goldberg on Hollywood conservatives living in secret.

Lastly, Hal Blaine, the legendary session drummer from The Wrecking Crew has passed away at 90. His hot licks on many of the most memorable pop songs live on forever. Rest in Peace.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

UPDATE: I was able to recover my commentary. You're all overjoyed, I can tell.

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posted by at 07:57 AM

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