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March 10, 2019
Anti-Semitism In Europe: Whoever Could Be The Culprits?
Tom Wolfe had the right idea when he pointed out that "The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe." Unfortunately I am not so sanguine about its future correctness, especially since the current version of European fascism is nothing more than 6th century savagery being imported from Africa and the Near and Middle East, and we are only a generation or two behind.
As much as the Left insists that the real danger always comes from the Right, the facts clearly indicate that Right-Wing violence is a small part of the problem, and an honest assessment of the situation in Europe would lead one to the inescapable conclusion that much of that Right-wing activism (see what I did there?) would fade away if the existential issue of the Muslim invasion of Europe were dealt with.
Here's a Link to the PDF of a very interesting study, titled "Antisemitic Violence in Europe: 2005-2015." Commenter "Village idiot's apprentice" provided the link on Friday, and it is a worthwhile read, if for nothing else the graphic on page 17. It speaks volumes!
Of course the Left in America is also frantically trying to pin all political violence and Anti-Semitism on the minuscule violent Right. I have met violent communists and anarchists and seen the leftist mobs running through the streets of America. I have never met a violent Right-winger. Maybe that speaks to my insularity, and it's a tiny sample, but I wonder how many of them actually exist outside of the fetid imaginations of the willing fools in the media and the malign influence of the SPLC and other anti-American pressure groups.
The default will be to point to the few violent confrontations we have seen in the past generation, but I would suggest that those were reactions to government overreach and a response to violent challenges from the tip of the Federal spear.
The Left's violence has been in response to free speech, or nothing at all...a call to riot simply to make the point that they are in charge.
posted by CBD at
12:15 PM
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