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March 08, 2019
Correct: Trump Brands Democrats "The Anti-Jewish Party"
Before I link that, let me link Mark Levin from last night, who played the press conference in which Trump supposedly -- but did not -- say that Neo-Nazis were "fine people."
He repeatedly condemned the Nazis. He was making the point that in addition to the Neo-Nazis (who he, yes, condemned), there were innocent people who were attacked, unprovoked, by Antifa.
But as you've noticed, the press, and the NeverTrumpers as well, will not accept that Antifa is anything less than Nazi-Punching Good Guys and that anyone Antifa punched must be, by definition, a Nazi, and that therefore when Trump said that Antifa made victims of "fine people" he must means Neo-Nazis because Antifa only punches Nazis.
It's true FakeNews, endlessly repeated by NeverTrumpers, and easily debunked just by, get this, listening to what Trump actually said.
But NeverTrumpers think that anyone to the right of reparations-boosted David Brooks is a Nazi so they're pretty comfortable branding run-of-the-mill conservative marchers as Nazis.
And NeverTrumpers assumed the Charlottesville marchers must have some Trump voters among them, and the NeverTrumpers are pretty damn sure that every Trump voter is a Nazi.
(Which was 90% of the party -- and they still don't get why the base threw them over. Because they're smaaahhht, not dumb like people say!)
Definitely worth listening to Mark Levin (it's cued up to the right place) if you have any doubts that the media and NeverTrumpers have been lying to you about this for two years.
Below, the Drumpfenkoenig's declaration of the Democrats as the party of antisemites.
And below, Representative Lee Zeldin lit up the Democrats for refusing to condemn antisemitism, and explained his reasons for not going along with the Democrats' cover-up.
Zeldin rejects the Democrats' insistence that there are "very fine people" on the "Jews are our enemies and have Secret Protocols for ruling the world" side of the Democrat Party.

posted by Ace of Spades at
08:13 PM
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