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March 07, 2019
Colorado Finally Ends Six Year Long SJW Crusade Against Masterpiece Bakeshop
First they were targeted by gay activists who insisted the shop bake them a gay wedding cake, despite many other bakeries in the immediate area willing to do so without the need for state compulsion.
After the Supreme Court ended that persecution, a trans activist insisted that this same shop-owner bake xer a cake celebrating transexualism.
And Colorado rushed to put them through more years and hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal persecution.
Colorado has finally given up -- and some call this "victory."
Six years. Six years.
Any more victories like this, and we're done for. Who would actually exercise one's rights and refuse to bake a cake, given that the state, with its unlimited resources, will sue you for six years for daring to assert your rights?
Anyone who's been subject to a malicious prosecution like this understands that the process is the punishment.
This Federalist piece explains why Colorado is backing down.
That bias aimed to jettison Jack's constitutional rights to free speech, freedom of association, and free expression of religion, all over a cake that could be had from any number of nearby shops. Yet when the commission discussed the Supreme Court ruling in summer 2018, two commissioners openly supported Rice's comparison of Christianity to Nazism and racism. Here's ADF:
During that discussion, Commissioner Rita Lewis said, 'I support Commissioner Diann Rice and her comments. I don't think she said anything wrong.' Later, Commissioner Carol Fabrizio added, 'I also very much stand behind Commissioner Rice's statements…. I was actually proud of what she said, and I agree with her…. I'm almost glad that something the Commissioner said ended up public and used, because I think it was the right thing.'
Faced with this evidence of their persistent animus against Christians, the commission folded its second case against Jack. But it still maintains the power to do this to anyone at any time, even still based on anti-religious bigotry so long as they keep that to themselves.
More details from Get Religion, including this detail about the transsexual demanding a cake (from a David French piece):
In September 2017, a caller asked Phillips to design a birthday cake for Satan that would feature an image of Satan smoking marijuana. The name "Scardina" appeared on the caller identification. A few days earlier, a person had emailed Jack asking for a cake with a similar theme - except featuring "an upside-down cross, under the head of Lucifer." This same emailer reminded Phillips that "religion is a protected class."
On the very day that Phillips won his case at the Supreme Court, a person emailed with yet another deliberately offensive design request:
"I'm thinking a three-tiered white cake. Cheesecake frosting. And the topper should be a large figure of Satan, licking a 9" black Dildo. I would like the dildo to be an actual working model, that can be turned on before we unveil the cake. I can provide it for you if you don't have the means to procure one yourself."
And finally, two days later, a person identifying as "Autumn Marie" visited Phillips's shop and requested a cake featuring a pentagram. According to ADF, "Phillips believes that person was Autumn Scardina."
While Colorado withdrew from pursuing this case, "Autumn Scardinia" still has a private right to continue persecuting the bakery.
And Colorado reserves the right to bully, harass, and bankrupt anyone else for daring to exert their rights under the Constitution.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:40 PM
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