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March 05, 2019
So The Alleged House Condemnation of Antisemitism Is Already Watered Down, and Now the Congressional Black Caucus and Progressive Caucus are Delaying It
As David Harsanyi wrote, the resolution which is supposedly a condemnation of antisemtism is so deliberately vague so as not to offend actual antisemites.
Democrats' draft measure condemning anti-Semitism, which the House will vote on this Wednesday, is a useless and transparent attempt to distract from a serious problem. The melodramatic resolution mentions Alfred Dreyfuss, Leo Frank, Henry Ford, and "anti-Muslim bigotry"--because, hey, even when Jews are being smeared it’s about Islamophobia—but not once does it condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar or the strain of Jew-hatred she is helping normalize on the left. The resolution, teeming with useless platitudes, is one that even Omar could probably support.
But even that's too much.
Even watered down to the point of saying nothing, it's still too aggressive a statement for an idea -- Jew-hating -- that is all too popular in some communities.
I guess "GOAT" Farrakhan has some problems with the resolution.
Meanwhile, Alexandria Donkey-Chompers is defending Ilhan Omar's antisemtism by making up Whataboutism situations that didn't actually happened.
posted by Ace of Spades at
07:39 PM
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