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February 21, 2019
The Morning Report - 2/21/19
Good morning kids. Thursday is here so let's get to it. First up, now that he's been finally asked to turn turned himself in to face criminal charges, it's official: Jussie Smollett perpetrated an insidious, sick hoax in order to boost his flagging career. The way in which he did it is worse than the hoax itself, IMHO: to attempt to throw dynamite on a bonfire of the Democrat-Left-Media complex's own making, which is the disgusting blood libel of America as an unjust, racist nation with its illegitimately-elected President hoping to restore and revive the injustice and racism that undergirded its illegitimate founding. Interesting to note that it seems as if the Chicago Police had to almost be dragged kicking and screaming to look into this because of the nature of Chicago ethnic-driven politics combined with the fear of the city turning into the next Ferguson, MO.
The whole thing was so patently fraudulent and ineptly executed, to the extent that the closed circuit security camera that Smollett thought would capture the incident was pointed in the wrong direction. And that there is a massive bullet that was dodged. Even with the confirmation of this as a hoax, that video would no doubt have joined the pantheon of racialist fraud memes alongside "Hands-Up-Don't-Shoot!," "I Can't Breathe!" and the innocent-as-the-day-he-was-born graduation photo of Trayvon Martin (not the one of him flashing Flava-Flav dentures and gang hand signs).
But where is everyone in the Media, the show business self-proclaimed elite and the Democrat politicians - most notably the likes of Cory Booker and Kamala-Toe Harris - who took to the microphones and cameras within seconds of this story initially breaking to denounce Trump, whitey, heterosexuals and America for this heinous act? It's so silent, the friggin' crickets are starting to stare at each other. But that was a rhetorical question. The aforementioned are fully vested in perpetrating and perpetuating the blood-libeling of America as founded because that is how they will ultimately bamboozle enough people - as well as import them by the millions from south of the border and elsewhere - into destroying it and seizing absolute power once and for all. Several good essays on this as well as at the tail end of the politics section capped off by the always eloquent Victor Davis Hanson.
But, never fear. Just as all of the aforementioned explodes in their faces, the media no doubt is going to seize upon this next item as proof positive that Trump's America is dangerous and evil. A Coast Guard officer (not sure if he's active or ex) was arrested in Maryland yesterday with a cache of weapons as well as a hit list of politicians and journalists. Supposedly, he was inspired by the Norwegian mass shooter Anders Brevik and wanted to take out millions of people. Unless his bullets were nuclear-tipped, I don't know how he was going to do that. In any case, after all the Nidal Hassan's, Omar Mateen's, bike-locks-to-the-head, and Dick-Durbin-linked James Hodgkinson's that have been either ignored, explained away as lone wolves or excused owing to Trump and or the usual Leftist Emanuel Goldstein trope a la mode, this for me is a local crime story with no real significance whatsoever. Hell, not that I am advocating or agreeing with this individual, but considering the constant hate-filled rhetoric pumped out 24/7 by the Democrat-Left-Media complex, they alone are responsible for this guy almost doing the unthinkable. Enough pixels. By your standards, you created this guy, Lefties.
Immigration: GOP Congressmen are urging the administration to designate the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.
Democrat-Sanctioned Anti-Semitism: Another Democrat Joo-hater joins the House by winning a Virginia special election and Rancida T-Labia's website has icky Joo-cooties.
Democrat Scandals: Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez broke campaign laws by giving a job to her red-headed stepchild of a boyfriend, and Bernie Sanders hates the Saudis so much his media firm lobbies for them. Meanwhile the Koch Brothers Whores are spending bucks to sabotage the Trump economic agenda, Fauxca-Has-Been threatens all sorts of national emergencies to seize power while pimping the usual free-shit garbage as a means to nationalize your children, Donkey Chompers gets slapped hard by a billboard in Times Square, Sherrod Brown-Note is a hypocrite, Alabama Rep Bradly Byrne to challenge Doug Jones for the Senate seat, and the GOP candidate for mayor of Philly has been on disability for 8 years due to mental illness. That still makes her light years better than any Democrat, so I endorse her wholeheartedly.
Abortion: You thought New York and Virginia were bad, get a load of the proposed Vermont law.
First Amendment, Fake News Fakery: Sharyl Atkisson on fighting the corrupt DoJ, Trump slams the NY Slimes, NPR runs cover for traitor Andrew McCabe, Disney and Nestle pull ads from YouTube after pedophilia channel exposed and can Nick Sandmann restore the first amendment?
Mueller Inquisiton: Andrew McCabe deserves Leavenworth, then a long drop at the end of a short rope.
Foreign Desk: Another Venezuelan military official backs Guaido, Putin is a borscht-belch blowhard (the hypersonic missiles are mostly hype, minimally sonic), Dondi Rubio warns about the Chi-Com threat as Chi-Coms buddy up with the Farsis to preserve their nukes, the Space Force to counter the anti-satellite threat, and Michael Ledeen on a Jewish renaissance in Italy.
Domestic News: Saboteurs in the administration are hoping Trump loses in '20 to preserve the Iran nuke deal (weed them out and throw them in prison).
Economic News: Several pieces focusing on New York, including De Bolsheviks war on Air-BnB (considering the latter's Joo-hate, I have little sympathy), Democrats look to bamboozle voters with the old withholding tax as evidence that the tax cut is harmful lie, lots of blame to go around for Amazon pulling out of NY and a trillion here, a trillion there, sooner or later you're talking about real money... and real societal collapse.
Crime: Story about the dark web and massive identity theft.
Healthcare: Maybe that crackdown on opioids wasn't such a great idea after all.
Education: Marxist-inspired teacher strikes are busting out all over, Cornell hates Joos again, look at the insanity you are paying for, how academia helped hosta the Green Nude Eel, and yes we need K-12 reform.
Real Science: 1,000 researchers are rejecting the Darwinian model of evolution.
Feminazism, Homosexualization, Transgender Psychosis: Trump championing international gay rights is evidence of his homophobia and hatred of homos, only Progressives can tell a dame to get her ass back in the kitchen and get me a sammich and some transexual freak extorts money from the courts and can use the mens room in jails.
Lastly, a look at the life and legacy of Pat Cadell, who passed away last Saturday at 68. RIP.
NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue. Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- GOP Congressmen Call For Leading Mexican Cartels To Be Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations
- The Threat to English
- Jussie Somllett's Hate
- Hate Hoaxes Are What Happen When Your Religion Is Identity Politics
- SPLC Whitewashes Democrat Ties to Farrakhan, Nation of Islam
- Rancida T-Labia Calls for Boycott of Israel... But Campaign Website Built With Israeli Web Designer
- Virginia Democrat Who Came Under Fire for Anti-Semitic Comments Wins Special Election
- Report: Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez is a Swamp Socialist, Boyfriend Paid by Friendly PAC
- Media Firm for Anti-Saudi Bernie Sanders Performed Work for Saudi Lobby
- Ohio Music Shop Owner Posts Sign Turning Away Trump Supporters (now we all know whom to boycott, genius - jjs)
- Billionaire Koch-Whores Fight Trump's Economic Nationalist Agenda Ahead of 2020 Election
- Greenfield: What Taxing the Rich Did to Donkey Chompers' and Fauxca-Has-Been's States
- GOP-Endorsed Philly Mayoral Candidate Says "Mental Illness" Has Kept Her From Working for 8 Years (I'd still vote for her, all things considered - jjs)
- Fauxca-Has-Been: Climate Change, Gun Violence, Student Loan Debt Constitute for National Emergency Declaration
- Socialized Childcare: Fauxca-Has-Been's Plan Means Soaring Taxes, Federal Control Over Your Kids
- "Thanks For Nothing!": Times Square Billboard Blasts Donkey Chompers Ocasio-Cortez Over Killing Amazon Deal
- Sherrod Brown-Note Rejects Corporate PACs... After Taking Millions From Them
- Rep. Bradley Byrne Announces Campaign to Challenge Doug Jones For Alabama Senate Seat
- A Fine and Dangerous Madness
- V.D. Hanson: Changing Reality With Words
- Vermont Legislature Considering Insane Abortion Bill With No Qualifications (if they make it legal to abort geriatrics, go for Leahy and Sanders first - jjs)
- Atkisson: A Citizen Suing the DoJ Needs More Than Just a Winning Legal Argument
- Trump: New York Times Is a "True Enemy of the People"
- "Gross" Distortion: Government-Funded NPR Does PR Duty for Andrew McCabe
- Disney, Nestle Pull YouTube Ads After Viral Video Exposes "Pedophilia Ring"
- Can Nick Sandmann Save the First Amendment?
- Illinois Shooter Is Latest Law Enforcement Miss to Commit Mass Murder
- Aurora, IL Mass Shooting Shows Why Gun Control Doesn't Work
- Andrew McCabe: Faux Hero of Our Times
- Andrew McCabe Can't Keep His Story Straight
- Domino Effect: Another Venezuelan Military Official Defects to Guaido
- Putin Warns US to "Calculate the Range and Speed" of Planned Russian Weaponry Before Exiting INF Treaty (okay, give us the blueprints and we'll be happy to - jjs)
- Sen. Marco Rubio: "The Chinese Effort to Supplant America Has No Precedent"
- Chi-Coms Team Up with Iran to Preserve Nuclear Deal
- Ledeen: Why the Italian Jews Are Winning
- Growing Anti-Satellite Threat Behind New Space Force
- Desperate Trump Administration Saboteurs Hope to Save Iran Deal
- De Bolshevik Wants 20,000 Air-BnB Records Because "People Want to Know What the Hell Is Going On" (and because the Marxist needs to crush free enterprise - jjs)
- De Bolshevik Blew the Amazon Deal, But It's Someone Else's Fault... Again
- $15 Minimum Wage Sparks a Jobs Recession In New York
- NYC's Top Amazon Enemies Still Back Some Obscene Corporate Subsidies
- Trump Has a Winning Hand, But the Deficit Is a Looming Disaster
- Democrats Lying That Lower Refunds Mean Taxes Went Up
- CBO: Feds Will Borrow Another $13 Trillion Over Next 11 Years
- Coast Guard Lieutenant Allegedly Planned to Slaughter Politicians and Journalists (by Agitprop media standards, a local crime story - jjs)
- 700 Million Stolen Accounts Go Up for Sale on the Dark Web (if only Al Gore hadn't invented the internet... - jjs)
- Study: Crackdown on Prescriptions Drove up Hep-C Infections
- #RedForEd: West Virginia Teachers Strike Over Charter School Bill Despite Governor Promising to Veto
- Teacher Strikes Spread to West Virginia, Oakland
- 12 of the Craziest College Classes In America, All Subsidized By Your Tax Dollars
- Anti-Israel BDS Campaign Returns to Cornell (when did it leave? - jjs)
- How Higher Education Incubated the Eco-Socialism of the Green New Deal
- K-12: Reformers Needed
- More Than 1,000 PhD Scientists Are "Skeptical" of Darwinian Evolution
- Homosexual Magazine Accuses Trump of Racism In Response to International Gay Rights Effort
- "Know Your Place, Woman" Is Back In Fashion In Progressivism
- Based On "Discrimination" Law, Iowa Jury Awards Trans Freak Woman $120,000, Access To Male Prison Facilities
- Pat Caddell's Second Act