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February 19, 2019
CNN's Brian "Tater" Stelter Claims Media Didn't Push Jussie Smollet Hoax
He claims the hoax was only pushed by celebrity outfits, politicians, activists, and "Twitter."
As John Nolte documents, that's yet another Huge Lie from the Truth-Tellers. The media routinely asserted that Smollet had been attacked -- despite the Chicago police leaking like sieves to anyone within a a ten mile radius that they had deep suspicions this was all bullshit.
I think that last fact has to be stressed: This was the perfect set-up for the media to finally get one right.
The story reeked of fabrication, and the police themselves were putting out the word to practically anyone who asked that they had very great doubts this was a real attack.
And yet the media still asserted that an attack happened, and still virtue-signaled up and down twitter -- and their own "news" shows, which now seem like afterthought additions to their twitter timelines-- how "disgusting" "America in 2019" is.
Appearing on CNN’s basement-rated New Day with co-hosts John Avlon and Alisyn Camerota on Monday, Stelter said of the Smollett case: "There was a rush to judgment, I think it was mostly in the celebrity press and among activists and among Twitter people. I think it was a really careful reporting by news organizations. But it all gets lumped in together at the end of the day."
It makes sense for Stelter to muddy the waters like this. After all, the Smollett hoax comes fresh on the heels of the media’s starring role in the Racist Covington High School Hoax, the Brett Kavanaugh Serial-Rapist Hoax, and most of all, the imploding Trump Colluded With Russia Hoax.
Unfortunately for Stelter, his shameless spin is easily exposed as such by countless tweets, headlines, and statements made by his fellow journalists and pundits -- including four high-profile staffers at CNN.
Let's start with videotape of a CNN anchor: "Absolutely despicable," said CNN's Brooke Baldwin on CNN Newsroom, "and this is America in 2019."
CNN anchor Don Lemon said the following on a popular podcast: "One, he has to deal with discrimination as a black man," said Lemon, "then, on top of that, he has to be gay -- and then, fame -- fame is not natural -- When something happens to you and it’s controversial, everyone is coming for you, and so I knew everyone would be picking apart his story.”
CNN’s April Ryan still hasn't deleted this tweet: "This attack on @JussieSmollett is a hate crime and should be treated as such!"
Amazingly, the pure activist Sopan Deb claimed that the media hadn't pushed this story as true. When Mollie Hemingway responded to him that he himself had pushed it as true -- not using the word "alleged" regarding the alleged attack, for example, but simply referring to "the assault" as if that was itself a fact -- he suddenly vanished.
This Twitchy article republishes Steve Krakauer's tweets documenting the many, many, many times the media skipped the word "allegedly" and straight-up claimed it to be a known fact that Jussie Smollet had been attacked by MAGA racists.

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:49 AM
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