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February 10, 2019
Making the (High Speed) Trains Run on Time Great Again.
Like most things, the risible madness of Alexandria "Breakfast Club Evita" Ocasio-Cortez's "Green New Deal" that would turn America into Kolyma 2, Killing Field Boogaloo and the recently legalized post-natal infanticide bill passed in New York and aborted (for now) in Virginia can be seen as harbingers. The question is for better or worse?
In "The Moral Idiocy of Our Times," Bruce Thornton makes a powerful and depressing case for the latter:
"...In Virginia a similar law [to the one passed in New York state] was proposed but rejected. It had been defended by Del. Kathy Tran and Gov. Ralph Northam. They admitted that a baby could be killed even after the mother went into labor, or after delivery. Tran, by the way, on the same day as she introduced the bill to liberalize late-term abortions, also introduced a bill to protect gypsy moths and cankerworms.
In other words, infanticide, once a practice of savage and barbaric cultures like cannibalism, incest, and human sacrifice, has now been legalized by the culture that boasts of its moral progress and superiority. But this legislation is not just a return to ancient brutality, but a species of moral idiocy much worse than the savagery of the past..."
"...Or take the willful blindness to the intolerance, misogyny, illiberalism, and sanctified violence of Islam - - proudly proclaimed in word and deed for fourteen centuries, and still today inspiring terrorist murder and state violence against Christians and other "infidels." Westerners who fret and fulminate about "Islamophobia," which includes merely quoting accurately from the Koran, pass over in silence the oppression of women, anti-Semitism, and the on-going genocide against Middle Eastern and Nigerian Christians, even as they wax hysterical over the measures Israel is forced to take to defend itself against terrorist murder and global calumny simply because they are living in their ancestral homeland, which is also the home of the freest Middle East Muslims. That is suicidal moral idiocy..."
Yes, the election of Trump and the concomitant exposure of the Democrat-Media Complex as rabid anti-American propagandists is a good thing. In the fullness of time, it may very well turn out to be, or has the potential to be, the high water mark of the Counter-American Revolution that began in 1913 (or even earlier as some may argue). But I'm not going to lie to you. Although I consider myself an optimist by nature, the fact that as older generations who understand the truth of what America is all about fade out, they are being replaced by younger generations of Americans like Donkey Chompers Cortez, poisoned by anti-American and anti-western propaganda who spread into every corner of society as they head out into the world, as well as millions of foreign born illiterate peasants ready to take the place of us and those killed off in the womb, and now after birth, for body parts. And the indoctrination goes on unabated from pre-school to post-grad.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.