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February 02, 2019
Governor Coonman Press Conference Thread
I think this will bring up the FoxNews livestream.
He says he's now remembered that he wasn't in the photo, even though just last night he remembered he was in the photo, and won't resign, even though reports were that he was planning to.
A Democratic source tells the New York Times that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is considering using facial recognition software to prove it is not him in the racist yearbook photo.
10:50 AM - 2 Feb 2019
Is the facial recognition software going to peer under the Klan mask? Last night he said he wasn't sure which of the two was him.
This is absurd.
He's trying to come up with an explanation as to how he first remembered being in the photo, now remembers not being in it.
His claim is that his first memory was just based on probability because he "once" dressed up as Michael Jackson for a dance so like sure, maybe he dressed in full Hobo Blackface one time.
Dude, you've known about this picture for 35 years. You've always just guessed "Gee, maybe that was me in the photo, based on probabilities" the whole time? Even when you were 0-2 years from when the picture was taken?
Even when your first saw the photo, and you were only months from when it was taken, you were even then going on the "likelihood" of the thing and thinking, "Eh, in the balance of probabilities, I guess that's me"?
150 Have I appeared in blackface before? Of course. Have I worn Klan garments to look cool? More times than I can count. But if you're asking me if that's me in my yearbook page, the one includes basically only me, who knows.
Posted by: Gov. Ralph Northam

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:24 PM
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