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February 02, 2019
Saturday Gardening Thread
Resident gardener and awesome Cob KT is a little under the weather. You're stuck with me today.
Today's opening photo has one of my favorite flowers, Lupines. They are a hardy plant growing in growing zones 3-7.
Several years ago a friend of mine gave me several lupine plants. They thrived and after approximately 2 months of blooming numerous seed pods emerged. I was able to pick the seed pods and the following spring I was able to grow Lupine plants from seed.
And this is how I did it. Milk-jug mini-greenhouses.
I was also able to grow Shasta Daisy and Rudbeckia with my Lupines and had enough flowers to start a new flower bed.
The further south you live, the sooner you will want to start. Living on the border of zones 3 and 4 I started in mid March.
How many of you green thumb Morons have done this? How many of you do this every year? What are some of the seeds you have raised into plants?
Yes, that NOAA forecast looks horrible. It was pretty nasty out last weekend and it has been worse this week. So what does a person do?
Well this gardener has been dreaming about all the landscaping that has to be done. Over the past few weeks the mailbox has been overflowing with plant and seed catalogs.
Some of the catalogs that have arrived are:
Michigan Bulb
Jung Seed
Gilbert Wild
Farmer Seed
Kelly Nurseries
Gurney's Seed
Do you have a favorite company to purchase seed and/or plants from? My experience in the northern Midwest garden centers have oodles and boodles of annual plants, but perennials are few and far between.
Last week's Garden Thread had some wonderful photos of birds being fed by the Horde.
This visitor has been enjoying Black Oil Sunflower Seed.
Our fingers are crossed that KT returns next week. If you have something you wish to share here on the Gardening Thread please forward to ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Here's hoping the Garden Thread is helping with the cabin fever!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
01:00 PM
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