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February 01, 2019
Donald Trump, Jr.'s Phone Calls Before and After Meeting With Veselnitskya Were Not To His Father, as NeverTrump and Liberal (BIRM) Conspiracist Theorists Hoped, But to Business Friends of Don Jr.'s
Womp womp.
The Conspiracy Theorists needed this to be a call from Don Jr. to Trump to prove that Trump was suuuuuper-interested in Veselniskya's FusionGPS-coordinated lobbying, and that everyone was lying when they said Trump didn't have advanced knowledge of the meeting and the calls weren't to him.
Is this another one of Adam Schiff's much-advertised "proofs" of collusion?
One of the mysteries which has kept many journalists awake at nights had to do with calls Donald Trump Jr. made to three blocked numbers, two before the meeting and one after. The suggestions was made that one of these numbers might have been Donald Trump and that, therefore, the then-candidate may have known about the meeting. Today, ABC News reports the mystery of the blocked numbers has been solved. None of them belonged to Donald Trump:
Investigators on the Senate Intelligence Committee have learned the identities of three blocked phone calls with Donald Trump Jr just before and after the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting on June 9, 2016, three sources familiar with the calls told ABC News.
The calls to blocked numbers, which came on June 6, and after the meeting on June 9, were between Trump Jr.’s cell phone and two family friends -- NASCAR CEO Brian France and real estate developer Howard Lorber, according to the sources...
The three phone calls with Donald Trump Jr. to blocked numbers in June 2016 have until now fueled questions about whether Trump Jr. informed his father about the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting before or after it occurred.
Democrats in Congress have for months wondered openly whether the blocked phone numbers could belong to the elder Trump. Had that been true, it could have provided evidence conflicting with the president's insistence that he had no foreknowledge of the meeting. Trump Jr. testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he could not recall who was on the other end of the blocked numbers.
In other words, the left was really hoping this would be the proof that Trump Jr. had involved his father in the meeting. Trump Jr. was quick to highlight the story and take a swipe at Rep. Adam Schiff. Earlier this month, Schiff appeared on MSNBC to say he planned to get to the bottom of the mysterious blocked calls...
Don Jr.'s tweet and video of Anderson Cooper worrying himself something fierce that these mystery calls were the key to EVERYTHING at the link.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:53 PM
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