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February 01, 2019
The Morning Report - 2/1/19
Good morning kids. The weekend is here and it's almost Groundhog Day so as Bill Murray rises to the sounds of Sonny and Cher - again - let's get to it. First up is the continued reaction to Virginia's proposed state-sanctioned infanticide bill which mercifully was aborted in committee by a vote of 5-3. The fact that this monstrous piece of legislation was not killed 8-0, let alone that it was even proposed is an alarm bell about not just the state of politics but of just how utterly rotten and debased our culture has become. And as intended long ago by those who planted the seeds that have been bearing poison fruit for at least two generations. It started with homosexual marriage then devolved into the atheist version of genital mutilation with transgenderism as the new civil rights movement to the sexualization of children to now just killing children even before they can be sexually, psychologically and spiritually abused. Without getting into a longwinded spiel, it all boils down to killing G-d, killing the family and the notion of the sanctity of life and the individual and supplanting it with the almighty State as the ultimate power over everything.
I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that the defeat in Virginia is a good sign since in my own state of New York, state-sanctioned infanticide was passed to a standing ovation in the Albany state house. If you think back 20 years ago or even not that far back, we laughed at the notion of homosexual marriage let alone that the mental illness of a few thousand people mutilating themselves into the opposite sex would become the next front of the civil rights movement. The freaks were stopped in Virginia - temporarily. It will ultimately become the law of that state sooner or later, especially as formerly solid conservative red states turn purple and then die of the socialist cancer. And if I said to you right here and now the normalization of pedophilia will be the next great battle front in the so-called culture war, how many of you after witnessing the events in Richmond and Albany are going to call me insane? And considering that as I alluded to up top, this is the same party that wants to kill babies as the exit the birth canal. I may vomit.
It's cold comfort to tell myself that the reason they are doing this is because they are fearing the descent of Ruth Bader-Meinhoff's soul into the Infernal Reaches and are trying to pass laws that insulate their fiefdoms from a possible overturning of Roe v Wade. Cold comfort is right. If nothing else can disabuse people of the notion that America is not splitting apart at the seams, the events in New York and Virginia must. Final observation: Ralph Northam is allegedly a pediatrician. IIRC, so is Ayman al-Zawahiri, the cofounder of al Qaeda. And then of course there was a certain group of doctors in Germany during the 1930s. Groundhog Day indeed.
Moving to Immigration and Amnesty, the President is insisting the wall will be funded and built, Congress or no, Joni Ernst with a powerful invocation of a victim of illegal alien violence, Tom Cotton with a rather striking observation of the record-breaking fentanyl seizure, Palsi Pelosi rattles her dentures and steps on her udders, they ain't killing those babies in California (not Palsi's udders), the neo-Maosit Dem freshman might actually help Trump more than the GOP-e in getting the wall built and Amnesty prevented, and the national security threat of a wide open southern border is real and dangerous.
Civil War 2.0: World famous for their tolerance and acceptance, a progressive Virginia school refuses to play sports with a team from a Christian school because of the icky Jesus-cootie risk.
Dem-Left Scandal Sheet: A look at this Reid Hoffman billionaire who was behind the sabotaging of the Alabama senate election, DNC taking money from a sexual abuser and hiding it is totes cool but the RNC taking money from Steve Wynn is evil, and a top Fauxca-HasBeen donor sure did rake in heap big wampum from inflated drug prices which the transparent fraud railed against. Comanche crab dip, anyone?
Elsewhere in politics, two good pieces about Howard Schultz who utterly raked the Warren over the coals for her anti-capitalist phony spiel. Schultz may be a total libbo and big Dem donor but I'll give him credit for openly and proudly defending capitalism and the American Dream unlike crony fascists Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet et al. The second link is from Matthew Continetti who gets it totally right until the last sentence, which means he is going to endorse Schultz over Trump. Meh, he's the son-in-law of Kristol-Blue-Persuasion IIRC. Also, John Lewis and Guam-Tipper-Joo-Hater Johnson will not attend the SOTU, Incest Aficionado Omar makes Schutz's point for him, you know we have no party when Kamala-Toe has a higher Liberty Score than many in the GOP, Trump's Venezuela policy might actually attract quite a few Dems to the party's horror, and a look at the hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders and Teddy Kennedy and Russia vis a vis "muh Colluzhnikovs!"
First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: potential religious liberty case makes its way to SCOTUS, MFM total media blackout on the Virginia infanticide insanity and Herr Doktor Northam's doubling down on it, to nationalize Facebook or not, "hot take" madness, and Daniel Greenfield on the digital social media iron curtain.
Mullah Mueller Micturations: Don Jr. destroys Schiff-for-Brains meme, funny how Dems never seem to get indicted for high crimes, and why William Barr has not been confirmed yet.
Foreign Desk: Bolton tells Maduro to leave the gold and take the Speedos, Mollie Hemingway with the wrecking of our interests abroad thanks to "muh Colluzhnikovs!", the Krauts are running out of Steiners, the NorKs have no problem in that department in Africa and the Middle East, Pakistan is exporting its sex trade to China, and the madness of England's medical education vis a vis diversity and SJW infection. Also, the Chi-Coms don't want us abrogating the ABM treaty for obvious reasons.
We-All-Slam-etc. Dept: I guess the term Jewish doctor is becoming a thing of the past with horrifying implications, Robert Spencer on England's complete airbrushing of Winston Churchill and Islam.
Domestic Front: Now that Ryan Zinke is gone, naturally all the charges against him are shown to be false, building on StirFryLaura's essay on the EEOC we have a piece about deconstructing the administrative state (please G-d), and the nightmare Bill de Bolshevik has unleashed on my hometown. Gey henge dich mit a tsuker-strikel, un hob'n a ziessen toydt!
Economy: The Fed is wisely not raising interest rates. For now.
Health: Thanks to the anti-vaxxers, the measles is roaring back with a vengeance. What I wished for de Bolshevik applies to Jenny McCarthy and Don Imus.
Education/Indoctrination: Ron DeSantis abolishes Commie-Common Core/Corpse in Florida.
Red-Greens: Ed Markey and Ocasio-TacoRosado go all in on the Green New Deal. When you get a chance, look up the video of Mark Steyn utterly destroying Markey at a hearing about Global Warming from 2016.
FemiNazism/Transgender Psychosis: Heartbreaking story of the father in a custody battle with the sick mother trying to Frankenstein their 6-year-old boy (wheels within wheels in context to my rant above).
Hither and Yon: Stalinist spy Ed Sobel dies and goes to Hell at 101, Rome v Chicago, and finally another good Paul Joseph Watson video with his take on modern art. Wonder what CBD has in store for the next thread. Stay warm!
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Trump: "The Wall is Getting Done, One Way Or the Other!"
- Joni Ernst: Sarah Root's Death "Prime Example" of Illegal Aliens Getting Away with Murder
- Palsi Pelosi: Trump Can't Repeal DACA Then Use It for Border Wall Deal
- Senator Cotton on Biggest-Ever Fentanyl Seizure: "A Dirty Bomb Coming Across Our Southern Border"
- 20 Accused of Selling Birthright Citizenship to Pregnant Foreigners in California
- Radical Freshmen Dems Looking to Throw a Monkey Wrench into Border Security Negotiations (thank G-d for our enemies - jjs)
- Worldwide Threat Assessment Makes Powerful Case For Border Security (biggest threat - Democrats - still comes from within - jjs)
- The Party of Death, Out in the Open
- Virginia Governor Doubles Down On Infanticide, Suggests He's the Victim (from the Ayman Zawahiri School of Pediatrics - jjs)
- Virginia Catholic Bishop: Late-Term Abortion "Comparable to Infanticide"; "Our Governor, However, May Be Willing to Cross That Border and Go Even Farther"
- The Dems Made Their "Choice"
- Levin Rips Virginia "Murder Bill": "Murder Is Murder... Call It What It Is!"
- It's Time For Pro-Lifers to Realize They're Losing
- Progressive Virginia School Refuses to Play Sports With Icky Christian Kids (post natal abort them and sell off their organs - jjs)
- Liberal Billionaire Reid Hoffman's Alleged Role in a False Flag Operation Puts DNC In the Hot Seat
- Dem Group Hits GOP Counterpart for Taking Money From Steve Wynn, Despite Hiding Former Aide's Alleged Sexual Harassment
- Top Fauxca-HasBeen Donor Profits Off Rising Drug Prices (I guess he did build that - jjs)
- Booker Flip Flops on BDS (he was Joo-curious before he was Joo-hater - jjs)
- Howard Schultz Shoots Down Fauxca-HasBeen's Attack With Passionate Defense of the American Dream
- Related: Continetti - The Democrats Lose Their Minds
- "Upside-the-Head" Lewis and "Guam-Tipper" Johnson to Boycott SOTU Speech
- Incest Aficionado Ilhan Omar Proposes Extreme Tax Rate
- Ocasio-TacoRosado Shows Why a Libertarian-Progressive Alliance Will Fail
- Truth Bomb: Some GOPers Have a Lower Liberty Score Than... Kamala-Toe Harris
- Dems Panicked Trump's Venezuela Policy Will Be Popular With Their VotersDraft Beto Leader Resigns After Leaking Bernie Sanders Honeymoon in Moscow Video
- Bernie and Teddy: What If Trump Had Done This?
- House Organ Democrat Media All Ignore Virginia Governor's Endorsement of Aborting Delivered Babies
- Nationalize Facebook?
- Newspapers Publishing Stupid "Hot Takes" Is Why We Can't Have National Discussions
- A Little-Noticed Opinion Portends Big Changes For Religious Liberty At Supreme Court
- A Digital Iron Curtain Descends Over the Internet
- New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff-for-Brain'ss Theory About Trump Tower Meeting
- Notice How Democrats are Never Indicted?
- The Real Reason Democrats Have Postponed Barr's Confirmation
- Bolton to Maduro: Flee Venezuela While You Still Can, Retire on a "Nice Beach"
- Hemingway: Latest Intel Assessment Shows How Trump-Russia Hoax Has Hurt American Interests
- Where-Macht There Macht Dept.: German Army Lacks Basic Equipment and Recruits, Official Report Says
- North Korean Military Proliferation in the Middle East and Africa
- Cash-Strapped Pakistan Expects to Earn Millions by Exporting Donkeys to China (millions of male Pakis hardest hit! - jjs)
- Britain's Medical Commissars
- China Opposes US Withdrawal From Missile Treaty to Keep Advantage
- Trump Is Right: The Intelligence Community Botched the Iran Threat
- Spencer: UK Media Sez Churchill Was "Fascinated" With Islam, May Have Been a Muslim
- Physician Jew-Hatred Alive and Well in America (remember when "Jewish doctor" was a redundancy? - jjs)
- Investigators Release Report Clearing Zinke of Wrongdoing Almost a Month After He Left Office
- The Real Deconstruction of the Administrative State (building on StirFryLaura's link from Wednesday morning - jjs)
- Bill de Bolshevik and the Return of Disorder
- Fed Wisely Backs Away From the Rate-Hike Precipice
- Congratulations Anti-Vaxxers, You've Made Measles Great Again
- Florida Governor DeSantis Issues Order to Get Rid of Common Core
- K-12: Faking It
- Markey/Ocasio-TacoRosado to Unveil Climate Change Bill: Green Energy, Job Guarantees, Universal Health Care
- Dad In Custody Battle With Ex-Wife Who Says 6-Year-Old is a Transgender Girl: I Have to Watch the "Sexual Abuse" of My Son Every Day
- Stalinist Spy Does Not Take Secrets to the Grave: Morton Sobel Dead at 101
- Rome Vs. Chicago
- Paul Joseph Watson Video: Modern Art Is Still Shit (paging CBD - jjs)