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January 28, 2019
Twitter Suspends Our Own Mis.Hum. For the Grotesque Violation of Trolling Jake Tapper with the Hate-Words "#LearnToCode"
NiceDeb points out that saying #LearnToCode to Jake Tapper is a TOS violation, and yet Twitter hasn't suspended any of the Blue-Checks who called for violence against the Covington Kids.
Tim Pool did a recent video about this, noting that Twitter had essentially admitted that it treats leftwingers, especially fake "journalists," differently than anyone else -- they're the "lifeblood of twitter," Twitter thinks, and the draw to bring in the suckers and chumps, so they can say whatever they like and not get banned for it.
Even threatening physical violence against children, or calling for same.
And that, of course, is not disclosed in their TOS, and they sure didn't admit that in Congressional testimony.
But hey, Corporate Cucks, let's White Knight for Twitter more. #MuhPrivateBusinessDecisions means, of course, that corporations are free to violate their own contracts, engage in deceptive advertising and practices, and lie to Congress with impunity.
I mean, if we conservatives don't stand up for Monster Tech companies' rights to be free of the laws that bind the rest of us, then we're... I don't know, I guess that makes us socialists or something.
A "source" at Twitter spun Guy P. Benson. How hard was it to spin him? Well, given that Twitter spun him three hours ago but the suspension for the TOS violation of trolling Jake Tapper happened on Saturday, it turns out that spinning Guy Benson from the left is super-easy, barely an inconvenience.
Ah well, he probably only reads leftwing and NeverTrump feeds. So why would he know about this?
Well, guy, as you can see, someone got suspended for saying "#LearnToCode" to Jake Tapper, who was not laid off, so how is this "abusive"?
And there is no evidence this is "coordinated." This is just arguing with a liberal journalist who leaps at every opportunity to bait and troll conservatives. But that is now apparently not permitted on Twitter.
Guy, did you ask your "source" at Twitter why the thousands of liberals targeting and harassing the Covington Kids wasn't grounds for suspension? Oh, was that "organic"? How is that more "organic" than telling the leftwing troll Jake Tapper to Learn to Code?
By the way: Did Jake Tapper snitch or is Twitter just so determined to protect him they look through every tweet posted to him?
And if he did snitch: Is this his new tactic? Now that everyone's talking about his habit of cybersquatting in your DMs for ten, twelve hours at a time if you dare find fault with former Handgun Control, Inc. spokesman and Salon reporter Jake Tapper, is he avoiding doing so, and just choosing to report people to twitter for "abusing" him?
Now that Guy Benson knows that his "source" at Twitter is spinning him, will he confront him with this information and clarify that Twitter's spin is at best incomplete and at worst just another @Jack lie?
I don't think he will.
Guy Benson can easily prove me wrong. We'll see if he does. I don't think he will. His go-to move is defecting to the left, which he proved once again by joining the smear against the Covington Kids.
There are some people you show you empathize with and assume to be telling the truth, and some people you despise and assume are always lying.
And that's what demonstrates your actual political affiliation.
posted by Ace of Spades at
04:33 PM
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