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January 11, 2019
No Crisis: New Caravan Forming For Another Surge Across the Border
We'll just send them a sharply-worded letter.
Another migrant caravan is forming in Honduras, with plans to set out next week on a journey that will once again test the immigration policies of Mexico and the United States.
Meanwhile, CNN contacted journalists in San Diego to get the "local view" of the effectiveness of San Diego's border wall. The reporters would have informed CNN that the wall was very effective.
So CNN decided to not book them as guests.
A San Diego television station on Thursday said that CNN had asked for a "local view" and then "declined to hear from us" after past reports from the station showed that a border wall was effective.
"Thursday morning, CNN called the KUSI Newsroom asking if one of our reporters could give them a local view of the debate surrounding the border wall and government shutdown," a report by KUSI, an independent station in San Diego that began airing in 1982, begins.
"KUSI offered our own Dan Plante, who has reported dozens of times on the border, including one story from 2016 that was retweeted by former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, and posted on DrudgeReport.com," it continues while linking to a border fence tour report.
"We believe CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work," it concludes. "We have continuously been told by Border Patrol Agents that the barrier along the Southern border helps prevent illegal entries, drugs, and weapons from entering the United States, and the numbers prove it."
Joke explanation (someone just explained this to me): Accoster's wall video yesterday had the tag "Location: Burger King."
Fat Joker Update:

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:19 PM
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