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No Crisis: New Caravan Forming For Another Surge Across the Border »
January 11, 2019
The Morning Rant
"Hollywood retard Jamie Lee Curtis took to twitter a couple of weeks ago to offer her deep thoughts on immigration. Against the backdrop of an American flag made out of barbed wire, she proclaimed, quote, this is not what our founding fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters fought and died for. They fought for freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness, unquote. I think it's just too cute when progressives get all patriotic and wrap themselves in the flag. It gives them something to do when they're not burning it."
The Master Troll At Work:
Why Sally Kohn Is The Gold Standard of Dumb:
For you young 'uns who might not be old enough to remember, Angela Davis was a big time commie back in the 60s and 70s, huge cheerleader for East Germany, the Soviet Union, Cuba, etc. I think she even ran for president on the CPUSA ticket more than once. Oh, and Davis provided the guns used in the kidnapping of a judge and three jurors in California, resulting in the judge's death. Because revolutionary violence is right on, man. That Kohn is such a gushing fangirl of this murderous thug is unsettling, but not surprising.
(h/t BayAreaFrau)
"It's OK When We Do It", Part CXLVI:
I'm old enough to remember when conservatives were routinely called paranoid by progs because we had the temerity to question the supposed objectivity of fact-checkers.
Because Greasy, Unappealing Back Hair Is Empowering!
Vintage Side-Eye:
Who Dis:
And For the 'Ettes, Shoe Pr0n:
(click for larger view)
"Trust me"
"Honest, Officer, I Have No Idea How They Got There"
(News story is
here. H/t RedMindBlueState)
posted by OregonMuse at
11:12 AM
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