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January 08, 2019

The Morning Report - 1/8/19


Good morning kids. Back in the saddle again and thanks to cobs CBD and Mis. Hum. for filling in in my absence. I go away for a few extra days and the spaghetti hits the fan so let's get with it. The big story remains the the Democrat-Left-Media complex's continued opposition to border security by refusing to fund the Border Wall and the resultant "government shutdown." Three weeks in and I don't see millions of dead and dying women, children and minorities in the street yet a number of memes are on life support, but I digress.

President Trump will take to the airwaves in a national address at 9:00PM Eastern tonight that will be carried by the networks (who were insisting they would not air it and then caved), with some sort of Democrat response on CNN. He is also planning a trip to the border this Thursday. The President has stated he was strongly considering declaring a national emergency over the issue of border security and the decades-long lack of any via active sabotage by the Democrats and their GOP confederates. Considering that we potentially have upwards of 10% of our population residing here illegally, which is a massive drain and cancer on every aspect of our society and economy - which not coincidentally serves to bolster the Democrats and their allies who seek the overthrow and destruction of America as founded for their benefit - it is a national crisis on a par with war. In fact, all things considered, it is a war since our government, society and way of life are in mortal danger. It's just that the enemy is essentially an internal one - both the 20-30 million illegal aliens and the Democrat Party itself. And now that the Democrat-Left controls the House, beyond all the impeachment rhetoric, we have the insane talk of abolishing the electoral college as well as trying to further destroy the Senate (as if the 17th amendment wasn't enough) being belched up all over the place from the usual gaggle of Leftist sub-morons and tyrants (BIRM). And then I have to read about Nancy Palsi's dentures clattering out some galling remark that Trump wants to abolish Congress. Don't make my mouth water, lady.

Sticking with this category, the RNC releases an ad highlighting the tragic impact of illegal immigration, Lindsay Graham goes full "Grahaminator" in calling out the Left, a Mexican official herself is calling for a wall on that country's souther border, and Mexican sex traffickers, some who are here illegally, get slammed with long prison stretches for their crimes.

To the Dem Scandal Sheet where another dead black man has been found at big time Dem-donor Ed Buck's pad (he got the dead-girl-live-boy rule wrong, I guess), the Obama officials behind the sabotage of Roy Moore's campaign are revealed, and the liar who tried smearing Jim Jordan gets pinched. Elsewhere in politics, Marco Rubio calls out the Democrat senators for their complicity in anti-Israel BDS by hiding behind the shutdown to avoid voting on anti-BDS bill, Cuck Schemer is evidently a self-gassing Jew, this "Rancida" Tlaib slag gets slammed for spewing the "dual loyalty" trope (pro-tip: go buy a vowel, m'kay?), Fauxca-HasBeen is hitting the road in Iowa, "Mickey" O'Rourke is - get this - going to do a solo road trip to gauge voter sentiment while avoiding sobriety checkpoints, the DNC is a hot mess and as the party runs on "diversity" it's three big contenders are all white males, comedy gold as Nancy Palsi stresses a return to fiscal sanity (balanced budget amendment and baseline budgeting?), Loopy Ocasio-TacoRosado hates when people call her out on her bullshit, LA County is forced to purge 1.5 million names from its voter rolls, Kathleen "Obamacare" Sebelius is eyeing Pat Roberts' barcalounger, and various and sundry essays on everything from Willard "Rat" Romney to the metamorphosis of the Dems into full-fledged bust out Maoists (chest-burster scene from Alien).

First Amendment and Fake News Fakery: Christian Baker Jack Phillips' lawsuit gets a green light, Christian Toto reports on a possible Twitter ban on Rob Schneider, good essay on Tu-Ca vs "Conservative Inc." and unlike Khashoggi, a real victim that the media never reported on.

Mueller Witch Hunt: Lindsay disappoints with this bullshit protect-Mueller legislation and the House GOP want Huber (too late, guys).

At the foreign desk it's mostly Jews and Chinese (no, not Christmas dinner at the Moscowitz's) with Senators Cruz and Cotton pushing for official recognition of Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights, despite a political scandal (real or phony) Bibi Netanyahu looks likely to win a fifth term as Israeli PM, Secretary of State Pompeo says 99% of the ISIS caliphate has been defeated (still thriving in Dearborn, though), and a pro-Trump Syria policy essay. Meanwhile, the US Navy challenges Chi-Com claims on the South China Sea and what the hell is with this Chi-Com lunar lander? That does not bode well. Lastly, Norway targets Islam-exposer Hege Storhaug.

Crime and Punishment: several pieces on the shooting death of Jazmine Barnes, a 7-year-old black girl who despite Sheila Jackass-Lee's and Shaun "Talcum X" King's Assertions was not a hate crime, Daniel Greenfield on the crime epidemic in Portland (thanks to anti-police Leftist madness) as well as murder and mayhem striking DC.

Domestically, Gavin Nuisance is gun-grabby in the Golden State, contingency plans on Ruth Bader-Meinhoff should she ankle SCOTUS, the ills affecting the economy right now have pre-Trump roots, the positive job news stands in stark contrast to conventional wisdom on tariffs, and Ocasio-TacoRosado accidentally supports conservative economic policy.

In healthcare, a couple of stories on the fight over Obamacare vis a vis Medicaid expansion within the administration, Obamacare and the deficit presents an opportunity for PDT, Prager U with a new video on the disaster of Obamacare, and a story about a nurse's right-to-work lawsuit.

Education: the professor who published the phony gender paper to expose the fraud is now being hounded by his school, and a brazen taqqiya enthusiast crowing about the plot to use US schools to convert America.

Red-Greens: two pieces debunking Ocasio-TacoRosado's "Green New Deal" insanity, pro-energy group is pissing in the win in Colorado, and that ocean plastic clean up mission hits a snag.

From hither and yon, this Young Sheldon show is disgusting, the Golden Globes tanks in the ratings, a look at that package thief booby trap video, and what's old is new again with the Democrat Left with a look back at the sick evil bastard Father Charles Coughlin.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:27 AM

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