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January 08, 2019
Aging Former Actress Ellen Barkin: Louis CK Should be Raped and Shot At For Asking Why We're Listening to Parkland Junior Activist Squad
No mainstream media coverage of this, and obviously no outrage, either of the real or pretend variety.
Ellen Barkin is the latest celebrity to say the wrong thing. The "Animal Kingdom" star is no stranger to stirring up hate. Last year she suggested President Donald Trump should be removed, and not via the democratic voting process.
The implication was that he should be murdered.
More recently, she targeted disgraced comedian Louis C.K. The former star of FX's "Louie" gave a stand-up performance recently where he mocked new gender pronouns, the political wisdom of the Parkland High School student activists and similarly raw topics.
For that, and his past confession that he exposed himself to several women in a sexual fashion, Barkin unleashed on him via Twitter.
She called for him to be raped and shot at. The actress, 64, appeared to be proud of her statements. Later, she took down the Tweets in question.
HollywoodInToto.com reached out to TNT for comment. The channel's publicity contact said, "no comment."
Why? Shouldn’t TNT share outrage over the statement? What about demanding its star apologize?
No. And the network's strategy is smart.
Here's why:
Conservative news outlets pounced on the Barkin story, and rightly so given the tenor of the times. Most entertainment outlets ignored it.
Deadline.com. TheWrap.com. The Hollywood Reporter. Variety. Combined coverage? Nothing.
Without that pressure, or mainstream news outlets sharing the news far and wide, the story faded fast. Nothing to see here. Move along.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:00 PM
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