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January 08, 2019
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Funny, I always thought (and was taught) that the proper approach for reporters was to be strictly impartial, and that opinion was the purview of the columnists and pundits. Frank Bruni: professional homosexual and bulimic, seems to think that is an antiquated technique, and President Trump should receive negative coverage, with the intensity of its cant presumably decided upon by our betters at the Old Gray Whore on 43rd St.
Too bad Bruni has no sense of the arrant stupidity and arrogance of his beliefs, because otherwise he might begin to understand why Donald Trump is President of The United States of America, and Hillary Clinton is desperately grasping at whatever relevancy is available by cawing and screeching at every camera in sight, and fanatically trying to revisit her and her husband's popularity by booking large venues and then selling dozens of tickets!
Strictly down-the-middle and unbiased is the only way to go, and for Bruni to suggest otherwise is disgusting. He should stick to food writing (he wasn't bad) and tales of his struggles with eating disorders and being gay (he was tedious). At least they will be topics he has some passing familiarity with, because the proper function of the 4th Estate is far beyond his intellectual capacity.
NYT Writer Tells CNN The Only Honest Way To Cover Trump Is To Be Negative
Stelter asked, “But this idea that news coverage of Trump is negative, is too negative, where does the truth lie there?”
Bruni replied, “I disagree wholeheartedly with that. He’s a singular president. He was a singular candidate. No one has lied like him, I mean at that altitude. No one has had the sort of ethical problems that he does, no one has had the areas of ignorance. To call that out accurately is to end up with a body of coverage that is unusually negative, but it absolutely appropriate to the man and the situation at hand.”
Stelter summed up, “So negative, but accurate.”
Bruni then stated honesty required the Times’ coverage of Trump to be negative, saying, “Yeah. Anti-Trump connotes driven by some sort of animus regardless of the facts. I don’t think we’ve been anti-Trump. I think we have been negative and I think that’s the only honest way to cover this president.”
Does this entitled pseudo-elitist even understand English? Do we need to start a Go-Fund-Me and buy him a good dictionary?
This is the usual ignorant article that carefully avoids discussing the real reason why Europeans are trying to arm themselves. There is not a single mention of Arab or Muslim immigration and violence in the entire article, but there are a few head-scratchers!
Gun Use Surges in Europe, Where Firearms Are Rare: Growing insecurity spurs more people to clear high bars for ownershipBut Europe's shift has been rapid, and notable in part because of strict national restrictions. In most European countries, gun permits require thorough background checks, monitored shooting practice and tests on regulations. In Belgium, France and Germany, most registered guns may only be used at shooting ranges. Permits to bear arms outside of shooting ranges are extremely difficult to obtain.
Strict registration requirements don't account for -- and may exacerbate -- a surge in illegal weapons across the continent, experts say.
Many illegal weapons come from one-time war zones, such as countries of the former Yugoslavia, and others are purchased online, including from vendors in the U.S.
Maybe I am hopelessly naive, but is the dark web really a significant source for weapons, or is this just more journalistic bullshit?
Is the hype about CBD, or cannabidiol, real?
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11:00 AM
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