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Monday Overnight Open Thread (1/7/19) »
January 07, 2019
Polls: Americans Want Border Security
Based on media narratives, and NeverTrump agitation, you'd think Americans were clamoring for Moar DACA.
An Associated Press poll taken just before the shutdown shows that border security is among the top five concerns for the American people.
A recent Gallup Poll -- seen as the gold standard in polling -- also reported that border security had moved into the top-two concerns for Americans just after the 2018 midterm elections.
A Rasmussen Poll shows that nearly one-fourth of Americans would contribute their own money to build a border wall.
An Economist/YouGov poll shows that a whopping 62 percent of Americans view illegal immigration as either a "very serious problem" or a "somewhat serious problem" -- with only seven percent of Americans believing that illegal immigration is "not" a problem.
Suffice it to say, poll numbers are not on Speaker Pelosi's side in her government shutdown negotiations.

posted by Ace of Spades at
09:08 PM
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