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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 03, 2019
The Morning Report - 1/3/19
Good morning kids. Thursday and the big stories we're covering include a) the continued Democrat-caused government "shutdown" (wherein most of the government runs fully funded on autopilot, including Uncle Sugar's entitlement check-signing hand) over the Democrats' utter refusal to secure our borders and keep us safe in order to import more Democrat voters, b) the concomitant danger to our immediate safety from having a virtually open border as it is and the subsuming of our national identity and lastly c) the reaction to Mitt Willard "Rat-Bastard" Romney's disgusting op-ed from the National Laughingstock/WaPo.
Let's play it as it lays. Schemer and Palsi once again met with the President as well as DHS Secretary Nielsen and flat out refused to even discuss border security or funding for a border wall. The precondition, from what I gather, is they want to strip that out from any CR, end the "shutdown" and then discuss that later. Yeah, sure. And considering they've publicly stated that there will never be a red cent for any border wall or border security, then all of this is on their heads, the Democrat-Left-Media-Agitprop Complex's lies notwithstanding. And that funding bill that the House Dems are pushing has been flat-out labeled DOA in the Senate by Cocaine Mitch. As I mentioned yesterday, and the IBD editorial underscores, the President is holding a royal flush with this. The longer the government remains "shutdown," the longer the average American will realize that it has virtually zero impact on their lives and livelihood. And that is really the only thing the Democrats have; claiming people will drop dead in the streets by the millions unless the precious US Federal government continues to stay open (and starve them of their freedom and property). Meanwhile, as the links indicate, along with disease, crime and general mayhem that the "caravans" are brining right now, we also face an ever-quickening societal dissolution not to mention the threat from terrorism from Middle Easterners who are coming across that border with the full knowledge and sometimes even the assistance of Central and South American nations (see the links pertaining to these points, especially from the good Roger Simon). Hang tough, Mr. President. This is a winning issue on a couple of levels. The people - that is, the actual clear majority of the citizenry - are with you.
To politics where the lead story is the overwhelmingly negative reaction, and in some quarters utter revulsion at that Romney op-ed. Lou Dobbs called him a "creep" and Luap the Lesser must be on my brainwave about that op-ed being a non-announcement announcement that Willard intends to primary PDT. Already, one member of the RNC wants a rule change to prevent any challengers. As you may know, Romney's niece, Ronna McDaniel has come out strongly against Uncle Jagoff on this but let's see her actions as chair of the RNC vis a vis this.
Elsewhere, in the scandal and chutzpocrisy files, Bernardo Sandersnista's handling of the sexual misconduct allegations of his 2016 campaign staff is not helpful to his cause in '20, and lookie-here! Nancy Palsi, that crusader to save the planet by draining our wallets, has hired a major investor in major polluters to lead her "Climate Crisis Committee." Botulinum is a helluva drug, yo. Hank Johnson, the loping imbecile who has the intellectual agility of a seaslug with Downs Syndrome and has no grasp of geology, physics or sentence structure now evidently has no understanding of Godwin's law. Funny considering he (and his former colleague Cynthia McKinney you may recall) is not exactly fond of Hebraic nationals. Elsewhere, while the President is high on SCOTUS dumping DACA (Chief Justice Errant Crockovich notwithstanding) as a precedent to the Dems caving on the border wall, the Koch/CoC Brothers Whores are vowing to try and ram it through. Funny, I seem to recall them as the Dems' go-to Emanuel Goldsteins only a few short years ago. And as she sharpens her crab-claw cracker, Fauxca-Hasbeen is railing against billionaires self-funding their campaigns, presumably that's a swipe at Trump but to me it sounds like she's going after Demi-Doomberg. Of course, the multi-millions she earned by stealing foreclosed houses is justified. Lastly, as Moonbeam leaves Sacramento, he stays classy by pardoning criminals and smearing whatever taxpayers are left there in that state. But never fear; Gavin New-sance has arrived to completely wipe out what's left of the Golden State.
In First Amendment and Fake News Fakery, there's a huge lawsuit flying just under the radar now involving the SPLC and a lawyer who claims the anti-American front group has and is attempting to destroy him (worth a read), the New York Times has high praise for an enviro-commie who offed himself and I certainly hope his fellow travelers follow suit en masse, and the first in a few stories about the Chop Suey brigade, China wins the award for greatest jailer of journalists in the world. Real journalists, not the JmJ Acostas of this world.
Mueller Inquisition: New documents confirm that the Steele dossier was a deliberate means to set up and sink Trump. I'm shocked! Shocked!
Guns, Guns, Guns: The father of a Parkland massacre victim goes ballistic on reading the report about the Broward Cowards, a commission oks the arming of Florida teachers to prevent the aforementioned, and a good guy with a gun prevents a whole lot of death and destruction.
Over at the foreign desk, cue the lutes and shamisens as the ChiComs are threatening to take "reunify" Taiwan with them, even if by force of Arms. Why do I get the sense that they are reading our newspapers and think Trump is in trouble because of the shutdown and the midterms? Can they be that dense over in Peking? Meanwhile, the Farsis are hosting some PLO Ikeeeelyous sparking growing fears in Israel, the US is urged to cut them off until the American jailed for selling sacred PLO land to filthy Yids is released, a couple of interesting takes on nationalism as well as our current foreign policy (undefined as it may or may not be), and the growing ChiCom biotech threat.
Domestically, Robert Spencer warns that Lara Kollab, aka Dr. Kilpatient, is not unique or new, The Trump deregulation train slows but keeps a'rolling, the Ocasio-Taco-Rosado brigade are not happy with Nancy Palsi's budgetary maneuverings, and the Senate has approved 77 Trump nominees to close out the Congressional session. Also criminal justice reform means shoplifting for fun and profit, fracking seems to be yielding less oil, and the Texas judge who smacked down Obamacare is doubling down on his ruling. Good.
Red-Greens: National GeoPornographic's new Mars docu-series is about as unbiased and non-ideological as a very large gathering at Nuremberg in 1934.
FemiNazism, Transgender Psychosis, Societal Emasculation: "X" now marks the spot on the Big Adam's apple and the EU is big on shelling out money for sheer time-wastage. I move we rename The Morning Report to In-Depth Cataloging of 19th Century Female Authorship. Please send $1.3 million via Western Union to AOSHQ to cover all modalities (and remain blessed...).
From hither and yon, first they came for Friends and I said nothing. Now they have come for Seinfeld and I said..., Victor Davis Hanson has a positive spin on the year that was and lastly the utter bankruptcy of the Boy Scouts on every level. Sad.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Dems "Refused" to Even Listen to Border Security Briefing
- Good Roger Simon: How Dems Teach "Immigrants" to Be Criminals
- In Memoriam: 12 Americans Allegedly Killed by Illegal Aliens in 2018
- Here's What Immigration Experts Say They Want Out of a Border Wall - It May Not Be What You Think
- Legal and Illegal Migrants' Remittances to Mexico, Central America Jump to $53 Billion in 2018 (enough for a truly luxurious double-wide wall, with casinos - jjs)
- Trump Makes "Historic Progress" in Deportation Deadbeat Crackdown (Aerolineas Pinochet to the rescue - jjs)
- When Do Legal Immigrants Get to "Speak Out?"
- Central American Countries Are Helping Middle Easterners Illegally Enter the USA
- Bernardo Sandersnista Botches Response to Alleged Sex Misconduct on Campaign
- Nancy Palsi's Pick to Lead Climate Crisis Committee Owned Stock in Top Polluters
- IBD: Why Trump Shouldn't Cave On Border Wall, By the Numbers
- Hank "Guam-Tipper" Johnson: Trump Is "an Anti-Immigrant, Racist Strongman" Like Hitler (jerks plan, Godwin laughs - jjs)
- GOP Jewish Coalition: House Should Censure Hank Johnson for Comparing Trump to Hitler
- Palsi, Dems Refuse to Talk Border Security Until Shutdown Ends (umm, you shut it down because you refuse to secure the border, vinegar-tits - jjs)
- Cocaine Mitch Says Dem Non-Wall Funding Proposal is DOA in Senate
- Trump: When SCOTUS Overturns DACA, Dems Will Want to Make a Deal on Border Wall (oy, wait 'til Chief Justice Bestiality Tapes hears this)
- The End of Everything... Or Not
- Lou Dobbs Rips Willard "Rat-F***er" Romney: "I Can't Believe the People of Utah Elected This Creep"
- Rabbi Fischer: And Now the Bane of the Capitol Returns With His Etch-a-Sketch Screen
- Trump Presidency is the "Bain" of Romney's Existence
- Luap the Lesser: No Republican Appetite for a Mitt Romney 2020 Presidential Run
- RNC Member Proposes Rule Change to Block Primary Challengers to Trump (Ronna Romney McDaniel is the chairwoman - jjs)
- Billionaire Koch/CoC-Whores Plot DACA Amnesty, Vow Not to Support Trump in 2020
- Fauxca-Hasbeen: 2020 Dem Primary Should Not Include "Billionaires" That Are "Self-Funding" (but multi-millionaire foreclosure vampires are totes cool, eh? - jjs)
- Shot: Moonbeam Exits Sacramento, Pardons Illegal Deportees, Blasts Rural Voters
- Chaser: Here Comes the Spending Spree!
- Lawsuit Claims SPLC Abetted Theft, Spread Lies to Destroy Lawyer for "Thought Crime"
- New York Times Praises Radical Environmentalist Who Killed Himself to Save Earth (a role model for all of his followers - jjs)
- Report: Biggest Jailer of Journalists is Communist China
- New Documents Suggest the Steele Dossier Was a Deliberate Setup For Trump (you don't say [sarc] - jjs)
- Parkland Victim's Father Unloads on Sheriff's Office After Release of Exhaustive Report
- Commission OKs Recommendation to Arm Florida Teachers
- Armed Good Samaritan Stops Drunken New Year's Eve Destruction Spree
- New Brazil President Vows to Tackle "Marxist Garbage" in Schools (if only the migrant caravans thought like this guy - jjs)
- Chi-Coms Willing to Use "Force" to Absorb Taiwan if Necessary (hubris precedes nemesis, Hop Sing - jjs)
- Taiwan's President Rejects Xi's Declaration That Island "Must and Will Be" Reincorporated, by Force if Necessary
- Iran Hosts Palestinian Terror Group, Sparking Fears of New Attacks
- US Urged to Cut Aid to Palestinian Authority Until It Frees Dual American Citizen Who Sold Property to Jews (should be cut off, period - jjs)
- The Case for National Realism
- Syria and Our Foreign Policy Muddle
- Chi-Com Biotech Threatens America
- Spencer: Lara Kollab is Not the First Rogue Muslim Medical Practitioner, and Their Misdeeds Track Closely with Islamic Teachings
- Trump's Deregulatory Agenda Still Rolling, but Pace Slows Slightly: "We Have to Set a Record on Killing Regulations"
- McCaughey: Trump Slams Brakes on Federal Gravy Train
- Hard Left Blasts Nancy Palsi's "Pay-Go" Rule as "Handcuff" on New House Majority
- Senate Approves 77 Trump Nominations in End-of-Congress Deal
- Crimes of Survival: New Trend in Criminal Justice "Reform" Rationalizes Stealing (reminds me of a scene from Annie Hall - jjs)
- Fracking Bust? Shale Wells Across US Churning Out Less Oil Than Projected
- TX Judge Doubles Down on Obamacare Ruling; Law's Apologists More Worried Than They Admit
- Camera Hogg/Little Shitler Goes to Kollidge
- Greenfield: Send Your Son to a Leftist School or the Government Will Take Him - Behind the Left's War on Jewish Schools
- Nat'l Geographic Agitprop Series Mars Lays Leftist Fear-Mongering on a Whole New World
- From Now On, a NYC Newborn's Gender Can Be "X" (welcome to the big Adam's apple? - jjs)
- EU Awards Researcher $1.7 Million to Track Down "Women's Writing" From 1500-1780 (Sefton is available to handle 1781-2000 for only $1.3 million - jjs)
- Move Over Friends, Millennials Now Find Seinfeld Problematic (like, all your, like cultural Revolutions, like are now, like belongs to, like us - jjs)
- V.D. Hanson: Actually, 2018 Was a Pretty Good Year
- The Boy Scouts' Bankruptcy Is Not Just Financial - It's Moral