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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
January 02, 2019
The Morning Report - 1/2/19
Good morning kids. Midweek and back to work. Top story for me is Willard Mitt Romney and the op-ed he wrote for the Washington Post, affectionately referred to around here as the National Laughingstock. And that name is appropriate for Romney, who not coincidentally has the same name of a disturbed individual who consorted with rodents, but I digress.
The man who twice ran for president and lost, first to Obama which was embarrassing enough but four years earlier in a primary to the guy who originally lost to Obama (as I look back, I think McStains and Romney took a dive), takes to the pages of one of the premier house organs of the anti-American Democrat-Socialist project to attack President Trump's character. Are you fucking kidding me?! This Reed Richards-looking stooge stood silent as his wife, family and church got slimed on a daily basis and he has the unmitigated temerity to rail against our president? What irks me is that this goes beyond just bitterness and jealousy aimed at someone who achieved what he couldn't, at the ballot box and more consequentially as the chief executive. I honestly think Romney didn't care what the media did to him in 2016 because it was part of his job description. Confederate stooge to the Democrats, playing his part along with the GOP establishment in the kabuki theater where "your vote matters, guys!" Hell, Jane Curtin may be an "ignorant slut" but in wishing for the death of the GOP-e, we're on common ground if not coming from the same mindset or reasons. And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Recall that Mitt's dad, George Romney was also part of the Bush, Bill Scranton, Nelson Rockefeller wing of the FDR-New Deal-big government Republicans who helped sink Barry Goldwater in '64, Regan in '76, then with the late Bush '41 abandoned the Reagan miracle of '81-'89 and is now attempting to thwart Trump. Unfortunately for America, we're stuck with Mitt Romney for 6 years where no doubt he will do everything to consort and parlay with the Democrats to sabotage the President's agenda. And I will go a step further and state for the record that...
This op-ed is essentially Mitt Romney's announcement that he intends to primary President Trump in 2020.
Period. Full stop. To which I say Migulgl zol er vern in a henglayhter, by tog zol er hengen, un bay nakht zol er brenen.
On to the news where the crisis on the border continues. A violent mob attempting to storm the San Diego border crossing was repelled with tear gas, another "caravan" of invaders is forming right now in Honduras, the President is still standing firm in demanding the funding for border security, Daniel Greenfield looks at the terror wrought by California's sanctuary laws while Democrat rising star Hakeem "Coming-to-America" Jeffries defends those policies (criminals will always defend crime, yo), Obama's hacks-in-black order the DoJ bureaucrats to work without pay in order to grease the wheels of immigration cases (Constitutional crisis? Never heard of it), and Cuck Schemer and Nancy Palsi have been reportedly summoned to the White House for another televised pantsing, though the Media will not report it that way - if they even agree to turn the cameras on this time.
Before politics, news from Civil War 2.0 and assorted Democrat meshugas, where the recent college grad who dared pose with a gun in her waist and a Trump t-shirt has been doxxed and received death threats (um, she's armed, geniuses). Also, former female Sanders-nistas are demanding that Bernardo address their accusations of sexual assault, abuse and toxic soy-boyism during his 2016 campaign.
To general politics where the Democrats are going to attempt to end the kabuki "shutdown" theatre without any border wall/security funding, a reminder that virtually nothing is shut down and much of the government runs on auto-pilot (and that there is a big problem, legitimate national defense notwithstanding), mobbed-up thug Andrew Cui-Bono made yet another anti-Trump speech, presumably a 2020 preamble for him, the Trump brand of nationalism is a good thing, 6 GOP women to watch this year, Dems gonna push hard on the climate change fraud/shakedown scam, Rabbi Fischer's observations of the political year ahead, and Ruth Bader-Meinhoff's hubris could give the court a 6-3 originalist edge (the author does not consider Chief Justice Erring Crockovich's newfound "enlightenment," sadly).
To the Mueller inquisition where we look at a huge thorn in his side as well as a look at the real motivations of Mark Felt in Watergate and what it means vis a vis for the Russian collusion bullshit.
Overseas, Brazil's new President Bolsonaro thanks President Trump, Israel now worried again about Iraq thanks to Iran, a view that the mullahs really are in deep doo-doo, what to do about Maduro now that he's "won" another election in Fail-azuela, Nikki Haley cheers our departure from UNESCO, Theresa May's anti-Christianity, and Whoa, Fat! wants another summit but has conditions.
From the National Security and Defense desk, the USAF should stay the hell off of Twitter and a look at partisan politics in the military in the wake of the MAGA autographed hat non-controversy controversy.
We All-Slam for I-Slam: the Joo-hating doctor who said she'd prescribe the yahoodies the wrong meds gets fired from the Cleveland Clinic (to take up residence at the Szell Dental School in Heidelberg, no doubt), and Georgia police groups are slamming some agitprop campaign from a BDS group.
Domestically, Oregon becomes an Ozark stereotype, Social Security does a sensible thing for once, Feds subsidizing some sort of virtual twink tech, an interesting look at a case involving Cheez-It and the insanity of the nanny state, speaking of Oregon, Pete DeFazio demonstrates the evils of economic cronyism/fascism vis a vis the airline industry, and open borders is more deadly to our society than the obvious ills it brings. Quite a good essay.
Red-Green Climate Change Fraud Dept.: France gets sued for nixing its commitment to tax carbon because of "popular demand" and what the fraud is really all about (as if you don't already know, gentle reader; still a good refresher).
From hither and yon, has-been Ellen Barkin demonstrates the tolerance and acceptance of diversity libs are famed for by wishing rape and death on Louis C.K., Kanye is back on the Trump train, a look at the new west coast jazz scene and lastly Salena Zito on the comeback of American civics. Here's hoping.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- "Violent Mob" Repelled in Attempt to Storm San Diego Border Crossing
- Next Caravan Rising; Organizing in Honduras as Congress Sleeps
- Trump: "We Are Not Giving Up" on the Wall, "The Biggest Part" of Border Security
- Greenfield: How 2 Gustavos Used California's Sanctuary State Law to Spread Terror Across 200 Miles
- Top Dem Hakeem Jeffries Defends Sanctuary Policies in Wake of Officer Death
- Obama Hacks-in-Black Order DoJ to Stay on Immigration Cases Without Pay
- Palsi, Schemer Invited to White House for Border Briefing (rolling, rolling, rolling, keep those cameras rolling - jjs)
- Student Deluged With Doxxing and Death Threats After Pro-Gun Graduation Photos
- Former Sandersnista Campaign Staffers Demand Candidate Investigate Incidents of "Sexual Violence," "Toxic Masculinity" on 2016 Campaign
- Mitt Romney Slams Trump's "Character" in Washington Post Op-Ed
- No Wall Funding in House Dem Plan to End So-Called "Shutdown"
- The Shutdown Proves How Redundant Government Is
- Andrew "Cui-Bono" Cuomo: New York to Lead US Out of "Great Social Depression" Caused by Trump (mobbed-up jerk's gonna jerk - jjs)
- Nationalism is America's Comeback Kid
- 6 Republican Women to Watch in 2019 (the political angle, not the rearview - jjs)
- Dems Have a Plan: Push Hard on Climate Change
- Poll: Most Democrats Pessimistic About 2019
- Rabbi Fischer: The American Way - Looking Forward to a Year of War Games
- The Truth About Democrat Morality
- Ruth Bader-Meinhoff's Hubris Is a Gift for Donald Trump
- "Real Justice Department" Veteran Emerges as Mueller's Top Courtroom Adversary (no, not Rudy - jjs)
- Mark Felt and the "Collusion" Conspiracy
- Brazil's New President Thanks Trump, Vows to Bring Prosperity "Under G-d's Protection"
- Israeli General Sees Possible Threat From Iraq as Iran's Clout Grows
- Maduro's Second Inauguration in Venezuela Puts US, Other Foreign Critics in Conundrum
- Nikki Haley Welcomes Formal US Departure from UNESCO "Cesspool"
- Iranian Mullahs' Lock on Power Now Shakier Than Ever
- Theresa May's Anti-Christian Regime
- Whoa, Fat's! New Year's Message to Trump: Message to Trump: I'm Ready to Meet Again, But Stop the "Sanctions and Pressure"
- US Military Tweets Then Deletes Joke About Dropping Bombs to Ring In 2019 (can you imagine Curtis LeMay or Arthur Harris on social media? - jjs)
- A Nonpartisan Military Means a Political Military
- Anti-Semitic Doctor Who Said She'd Give Jews the Wrong Medication No Longer Employed at Ohio Hospital
- Georgia Police Groups Slam Jewish Voice for Peace's Anti-Semitic "Deadly Exchange" Campaign
- Oregon Becomes Latest State to Allow Road-Kill for Food
- Social Security Forgives Debt of Daughters Whose "Dead" Father Turned Up Alive 47 Years Later
- Feds Spend $1,788,748 on Virtual Reality Game for Young Gay Men
- Circuit Court Tells Kellogg's to Cheez-It
- Darknet Keeps Exploding Child Porn Epidemic a Step Ahead of Prosecutors (considering the nature of Google, how is this possible [a loaded question]? - jjs)
- Open Borders Facilitate America's Race to the Bottom
- DeFazio Does the Airlines' Dirty Work
- Paris Climate Discord: France Sued for Nixing Carbon Tax in Response to Yellow Vest Protests
- Climate Change: Who Stands to Gain?
- Actress Ellen Barkin Hopes Louis C.K. "Gets Raped," "Shot At"
- Friends: Matt Lauer is Super Upset He Can't Be Matt Lauer Anymore (he was too hard on the Beaver... - jjs)
- Kanye West is Back On the Trump Wagon
- Former SNL "Ignorant Slut" Jane Curtin: "Make Sure the Republican Party Dies" (I do too, vinegar-tits, only not quite the way you do - jjs)
- The West Coast Jazz Revival
- Zito: American Civic Life Tries to Make a Comeback