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December 06, 2018
The Morning Report - 12/06/18
Good morning kids. Thursday and let's start off with the usual maddening meshugas that the Democrat-Leftist propagandists will ignore, spin or embargo. First up, a longtime key advisor to leading Democrat 2020 contender Kamala "Toe" Harris, who worked for her in her capacity as California AG, has resigned over a sexual harassment lawsuit that his boss claims she knew nothing about. Uh huh. Next up, recently elected Democrat Joo-hater (pardon the redundancy) Rashida Tlaib (can I buy a vowel?) has some shady dealings in her campaign finances with Nazi collaborator George Soros (who if you call him that is anti-semitic, or something) and to put the, er, "cherry" on top, renowned child abuser and catamite-procurer to the political elite Jeffrey Epstein has settled a civil suit to avoid much pain and embarrassment... mostly to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And speaking of bitter, shambling, drunken, low-class, delusional embarrassments, Hillary Clinton displayed the world famous grace and charm that she is known for by making a puerile, childish scene at the funeral of President George H.W. Bush by refusing to shake hands with or even acknowledge the current First Lady, Melania Trump. The contrast between Melania and that barely bipedal turd-in-a-girdle by every metric of character, charm and of course beauty could not be more stark. Meh. Melania dodged a bullet; I wouldn't shake hands with Hillary. Not where that hand has been.
In other borderline insanity, as pregnant invaders spawn on our soil in order to claim their right to citizenship and our money, which by evil Yanqui-capitalist Joo-trickery shapeshifted its way into our pockets, Bob Goodlatte tells us something we already don't know about the GOP-e leadership, a North Carolina county sheriff should be arrested and thrown in jail for obstruction of justice and/or some other high crime, the Border Patrol rounds up 124 more border jumping miscreants, and a couple of thoughtful links on the nature of illegal immigration and possible solutions.
In the Coup and Mueller Kangaroo Court, the recommendation for time served for Michael Flynn is pissing off the "resistance," mass condemnation for the persecution of the Clinton Foundation whistleblower along with a 400-person fuck you from ex-DoJ Deep Staters protesting Matthew Whitaker as acting AG, Levin blasts the latest ambulance-chasing suit against Trump and Jerome Corsi takes on Mueller.
On the political scene, to counter the theft of its governor and senator races, Wisconsin's GOP legislature has passed regulations that check the Democrat governor and AG, Dondi Rubio takes a swipe at Chubby Jello-Brains, Tom Styrene is making more "I'm running" noises while Deval Patrick is out, the good Roger Simon on the high stakes duel between OrangeManBad and Mandarin Xi, and two essays relating to how Obama destroyed whatever iota of civility there might have been in political discourse and fomented the "otherization" of anything and anyone not Leftist.
In First Amendment and Fake News fakery, Buzzfeed lies about the nature of the French riots, the pseudo-Jewish rag The Forward lies about black attacks on Brooklyn Jews, the Washington Post disingenuously relents on the "believe all women" line only long enough to use it as an excuse to attack a Republican, UC Berkeley takes a hit in the bursar's office for censoring conservative students and Michelle Malkin on Big Brother Tech's nouveau-sharia.
Over at the foreign desk, while Xi and Trump signaled a deal to curb fentanyl abuse as well as that on-again off-again trade truce, which is on - again - the US is seeking to extradite the CFO of Chi-Com company Huawei over its violation of Iran sanctions, the US Navy sailed through disputed waters near Russia in the Pacific as a response to the latter's vulgar boatmen schtick in the Crimea, the UN Blue Beret Peacekeepers Child-Rapers are too busy child-raping to notice Hezbollah terror tunnels, Canada's open border policy, Theresa May's latest Brexit moves are seemingly DOA, and Conrad Black on the west needing to find its cojones again.
Domestically, Michigan goes for the cannabis, Senate GOP not fond of the new crime bill, a FedEx driver is off the hook for delivering a deathblow, Bill De Bolshevik hates free enterprise, Bush 41 is dead but the "voodoo economics" canard is eternal, Education Secretary DeVos strikes a deal with the Swiss, Joo-hating profs going rogue to support BDS despite school policies, Virginia schools want to keep Jesus out of Christmas, and another good piece by Rabbi Dov Fischer in an educational vein. Also, a good Federalist piece on climate change alarmism and Daniel Greenfield rounds out the category on the anthem kneeling and wife beating.
From hither and yon, deprogramming millennials, no sooner than Kevin Hart is tapped as Oscar host is he blasted from the Left, Philadelphia sez "Kermit Gosnell? Never heard of him," more of the cultural revolution monument removal blues, and lastly, happy birthday to the 21st amendment, repealing Prohibition. Meh, next time, Democrat-Soviet prohibit you!
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Goodlatte: House Leadership Blocked Trump-Backed Immigration Reform
- North Carolina Sheriff Ends Cooperation with ICE First Day on Job
- Caravan Invader Spawns on US Soil After Illegal Jumping Border (all your 14th Amendments are belongs to nosotros - jg)
- Border Patrol Agents Catch 124 Migrants in Arizona, Some with "Previous Immigration Violations" and Deportations
- Prager U Video: Illegal Immigration - It's About Power
- Time for an Ellis Island Approach to Immigration
- Top Kamala-Toe Advisor Resigns Over Harassment Settlement, Which Boss Claims She Didn't Know
- Democrat Joo-Hater (but I repeat myself) Rashida Tlaib Misrepresented Soros Stipend in Financial Disclosures
- Sex Offender and Close Clinton Friend Jeffrey Epstein Settles Civil Suit, Avoiding Explosive Testimony by Victims
- Classless, Bitter, Old Drunken Lowlife Hillary Snubs First Lady at Bush 41 Funeral
- Wisconsin Republicans Pass Bills to Limit Powers of Incoming Democrat Governor and AG
- Rubio Smacks Down Kirsten Jello-Brain's "Future is Female" Blathering
- Tom Styrene Sez Republicans Have "Determination" to Take Away "Equal Votes" (only the ones that are more equal than others - jjs)
- Deval Patrick is... Out?!
- Good Roger Simon: Future of Trump Presidency is in Xi's Hands
- V.D. Hanson: The Perpetual Presidency (of you-know-who - jjs)
- Barry Got Back Story: How the ex-Radical-in-Chief Transformed Conservatives into Terrorists (look no further than the cucks and pants crease admirers - jjs)
- Buzzfeed Blames French Riots on Facebook, Not France's Sky-High Carbon Prices
- Don Lemon Appears to Use Sexual Slur, Immediately Claims He Doesn't Know What It Means (a lemon is just a small, bitter fruit - jjs)
- Leftist Jewish Rag Forward Blames Gentrification, Not Anti-Semitism for Blacks' Attacks On Brooklyn's (these Jews ain't kosher - jjs)
- Washington Post Admits False Rape Accusations Can Happen... As Pretext to Attack a Republican
- Conservative Student Group to Collect $70,000 from UC Berkeley after Winning Free Speech Case
- Malkin: Silicon Valley Sharia
- Mueller's Flynn Memo Disappoints "Resisters": No Jail Time or Hints of Collusion
- Whistleblower Advocates, Attorneys Condemn FBI Raid On Clinton Foundation Whistleblower
- Over 400 ex-DoJ Employees Sign Letter Protesting Whitaker Appointment (I'll take that as a ringing endorsement - jjs)
- Dems Pushing Another Bogus Lawsuit Against Trump and Levin is Having None of It
- Jerome Corsi Challenges Robert Mueller
- Russia Holds Naval War Games, Missile Drills in Black Sea near Ukraine
- US Warship Sails Near Disputed Waters to "Challenge Russia's Excessive Maritime Claims" (in the northern Pacific - jjs)
- US Seeks to Extradite Huawei's CFO After Canada Arrested Her at the US's Request
- Chi-Coms Break Unexplained Silence on Trump Trade Deal: "We Are Confident in Implementation"
- The Ceasefire in Our Trade War with China Doesn't Solve Deeper Problems
- UN Peacekeeping Force Silent About Hezbollah's Cross-Border Attack Tunnels
- Theresa May's Last Ditch Brexit Plan Gets Cold Reception
- Justin Trudeau's Canada Embraces a World Without Borders
- Black: The West Needs to Rediscover Talent for Self-Government
- Michigan to Become 10th State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
- Dondi Rubio Grills PDT Ambassador Nominee to Burma on Rohingya Slaughter
- Senate Republicans Line Up Against Criminal Justice Reform Bill
- FedEx Driver Not Charged in Fatal Punch of Man Who Hurled Racial Slurs at Him
- The Canard About "Voodoo Economics" is Back as the Left Remembers Bush
- How the Government Helps Keep People Poor
- Passengers Will Pay for New NYC Wage Hike (courtesy of DeBolshevik - jjs)
- Molly DeVos Signs Agreement with Swiss Government: "We Can All Learn a Great Deal" from Swiss (fondue, yodeling and watches - jjs)
- University Presidents Called Upon to Prevent Rogue Faculty From Implementing Academic Boycott of Israel
- Virginia Middle School Bans Christmas Songs That Mention Jesus
- Rabbi Fischer: Why Climate Change and Diversity Are So Urgent
- Climate Change Alarmism is the World's Leading Cause of Hot Gas
- Greenfield: Anthem-Kneelers and Wife-Beaters
- Talking Millenials Out of Socialism
- Toto: New Oscar Host Kevin Hart Attacked in Record Time
- Gosnell Film Ignored in Philadelphia, Scene of His Crimes
- Tearing Down UNC's Silent Sam Threatens Monuments to Henry Ford, Harry Truman, and Mahatma Gandhi
- Anniversary of a Failed Progressive Experiment: 85th Years Since the Repeal of Prohibition