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November 29, 2018
Dick's Sporting Goods: Guys, You're Not Going to Believe This, But Our Sales Keep Falling and We Think Maybe It's Due to Our Anti-Shooting Sports Stance
The Woke/Broke Cycle gets faster.
Sales at Dick's Sporting Goods dropped in the past three months amid backlash against tighter gun-sale restrictions following a mass killing early this year at a Florida high school.
Revenue dipped 4.5 percent to $1.86 billion amid challenges in the company's hunting business during the quarter through Nov. 3. Sales at stores open at least 12 months -- a key metric for the retail industry -- fell 6.1 percent compared to the prior year.
While Chief Executive Officer Edward Stack previously said the firearms policy brought in new customers and sales were reported as flat in August, Dick's has now warned that "negative reaction" could affect future results.
Meanwhile, Hitleresque anti-gun spokestyke David "Camera" Hogg had stupid stuff to say about guns. And that's not even the story.
Remember that story the other day about White Liberals condescending to minorities? And that study that suggests that White Liberals are racist to the bone?
Well this doesn't necessarily have to do with race, but poor people are disproportionately black (and Hispanic), and I gotta think this woman "Kimberly" responding to Kyle Kashuv has a specific skin color in mind when she whitesplains why poor people shouldn't have guns.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:35 PM
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