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November 29, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Look up "echo chamber" in the dictionary and you will see a photo of Hillary Clinton. This, more than anything else has protected us from the worst of her excesses and dangerous ideas and most of all her kleptocratic vision for America. She has managed to surround herself for most of her life with people who simply do not tell her the truth. It happened when she was SoS and got taken by pretty much everyone she dealt with, and it happened most gloriously during the presidential campaign of 2016, when her handlers and sycophants and toadies and hangers-on couldn't tell her about the reality...that Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and Florida were not locked up, that she needed to leave the comfort of the adoring crowds in safe states and actually do the work. They couldn't tell her because she didn't want to hear it, and we are all rather lucky that her ego is so warped that she cannot tolerate any deviation from the carefully crafted internal image of "Hillary Clinton; Savior of America."
The Bill and Hillary show! Power couple kick off 13-city paid speaking tour in CANADA where bank executive lobbed questions at them in half-empty arena, as they accuse Trump of being part of a Saudi 'cover-up'
She is so convinced of her own glory and importance that either she insisted on a large venue or when ticket sales were nowhere near projections nobody had the guts to tell her. Bill of course just goes along for the paycheck and a shot at some young strange.
'It seems almost offensive to ask you but why does Putin hate you so much?' he asked the former first lady. 'You seem like a very nice person,' he quipped.
'I think he saw me as someone who had stood up to him and would stand up to him,' Clinton responded.
Bill Clinton said the U.S. had 'compromised' its moral leadership in the world under Trump, and defended his NAFTA free trade agreement.
I guess she really believes that! Or maybe she believes nothing, and speaks only to further her position and craft the narrative that she desperately hopes will get her into the oval office. And Bill seems to be blathering on with his tired talking points. NAFTA was a long time ago, and it is gone, never to return. As for the moral failings of America post Obama? I'll take other countries being afraid of us, or even just thinking that Trump is nuts and might do something crazy any day over them laughing and backslapping with Obama, the clown who pretended to be a strong president.
Anyone connected to the "Palestinian" cause is a crook, a terrorist, a liar or all three. Linda Sarsour is a particularly vile and sleazy example of the type. She wraps herself in our freedoms, loudly proclaiming her rights, but carefully avoids substantive discussion about what she really believes, which is just garden-variety "Death To Israel" and "Death To The West" boilerplate. She supposedly is a woman, so she uses that as a bludgeon with which to beat naive and stupid American leftists into going along with her Jew-hate shtick.
WOW: Money Raised After Pittsburgh Shooting Went To An Islamic Center With Terror Ties
Now, some money was given to Tree of Life, around $10,000, but that was part of an effort to repair Jewish cemeteries that were vandalized. Since the shooting, around $240,000 were raised, but it appears little, if any, has been sent to Tree of Life. Of that $240,000-figure, $155,000 went to the the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh.
There are some deeply disturbed and amazingly amusing people in this world.
Her name was Kanga and she was trouble
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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