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November 21, 2018
Chief Justice Roberts, Who Swindled Bush Into Nominating Him Before Becoming Obama's Chief Judge, Says There's No Such Thing as a Bush Judge or an Obama Judge
Well, Chief Justice Obamacare would say that, wouldn't he?
Fuck yourself.
Jim Acosta approves. Wonderful.
Trump Responds:
Unprecedented? Via Instapundit, Seth Tillman tries to find a similar rebuke of a president by a chief justice, and can find none.
Instapundit himself adds:
Two thoughts. First, in talking about “Obama judges,” Trump was merely echoing the common media trope that identifies judges in controversial cases based on who appointed them. And if judges are as neutral and apolitical as Roberts pretends, then why so much sturm und drang over judicial appointments?
Second, Roberts is in a particularly poor place to talk about apolitical judging after his transparent capitulation to the Obama Administration's campaign of media bullying during the pendency of the ObamaCare case. He reversed his position in response to political pressure from an administration that was, at the time, a party to the case. He has no high horse to sit on.
Mollie Hemingway made a similar point earlier, noting a liberal Harvard Law professor's division of the courts into Democrat and Republican judges, and calling for a War on Republican Judges after Hillary Clinton's (assumed) victory.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:11 PM
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