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November 21, 2018

The Morning Report - 11/21/18


Good morning kids. End of the abbreviated workweek as Thanksgiving arrives tomorrow. Let's get into it, shall we? The President yesterday blasted the Obama appointed hack-in-black judge who ordered him to grant asylum to the migrant caravan invaders. This is just the latest in a long train of abuses (to coin a phrase) that this branch has inflicted upon this President while completely overlooking the actual lawless and unconstitutional actions of his predecessor. I honestly cannot think of a time where any branch of our government acted in so brazen a lawless manner, but I guess this is a legacy of "fundamental transformation." While I admire the President for wanting to reverse this decision via the proper channels of government, it is now painfully obvious that those channels no longer exist. To seek redress via the Judicial Branch when it is that branch that has usurped your power in the first place is, to me, the height of folly. To my way of thinking, and as I have postulated many times on these pages lo these past nearly 24 months, it would indeed be quite schaden-bonery if the President were to issue a communique to the effect that the Executive Branch has acted in good faith and in complete accordance with its legal and Constitutional authority and will ignore the judge's ruling, period, full stop. But you can imagine the political and societal ramifications in the immediate aftermath. Meh, we crossed the Rubicon seemingly ages ago, and when you couple this latest hackery and all the others along with the attempted election hijackings (and successful ones in CA and AZ), and the physical attacks and persecutions of non-Leftists, then really what else is there? If you game it out, then by moving to try and preserve what's left of our Constitution and rule of law, a considerable swathe of our populace along with the Democrat-Media Complex will view it as a dictatorial move and use it as a pretext to remove him from office (with the eager help of the RINOs) and a pretext to really ramp up the insurrection. And after that, my friends, all bets are well and truly off.

Again, it begs the question, can we and our political leaders that actually stand with us, play by the rules when we now have an opposing force who will stop at nothing and sees breaking the law as their moral duty and obligation to destroy us an overthrow the nation as founded? To ask the question is to answer it.

Moving on, the other developing story that has got me steamed is this so-called Ivanka Trump e-mail scandal. Are you fucking kidding me?! In the words of Mark Levin:

"Ivanka Trump did not go out of her way to create a private server. Ivanka Trump didn't start deleting e-mails that she was concerned might become public and Ivanka Trump didn't have a whole bunch of classified e-mails either. A few hundred e-mails, not over the course of years but, what, over the course of weeks and months? And she wasn't out there trying to deceive people... So what Hillary Clinton does with purpose of forethought and connivance and what Ivanka does as an innocent error, for the Democrats that's equivalent..."

Already DaNang Dick Blumenthal VC (VietCong, not Victoria Cross), is calling for a full on investigation. I hope PDT and perhaps the Grahaminator take this opportunity to call for a reopening of the Hillary investigation. And see the link where ex White House Counsel reportedly quashed the idea of the President going after Clinton and Comey (meh, he may have been right for the same reasons I cite vis a vis the rogue judge and the executive order).

Now, let's go category by category. In Civil War 2.0 news, several stories about open city Portland, Oregon, a Missouri Democrat demonstrates her party's celebrated class and dignity, and projection ain't just a river in Egypt.

Back to Amnesty, the Koch Whores want the lame duck Congress to push for DACA amnesty, Mexico is doing the job Leftists won't: deporting illegal alien invaders (how's that for irony?), Daniel Horowitz speaks the plain truth about the consequences of no borders and an American Thinker essay and what the President can do without Congress (Judge Buch M. Danno notwithstanding).

To politics where a Jerry Lewis Telethon masquerading as a Midterm Congressional election has finally tallied enough votes to dump Mia Love and stop the counting of ballots, compassionate Democrat Mike Espy one dumped an employee because he'd have to pay for his wife's preexisting condition, two, count 'em, pieces on Warren Wilhelm "Klink" DeBolshevik wherein a fired watchdog claims the lanky hunk of piss was quashing probes into his corruption, and a number of his donors are caught on tape bribing New York's Finest (finest, what, exactly?) and 9 people are busted in LA for a voter fraud scheme involving bums on Skid Row. I love the smell of Val-U-Rite wafting over the Orange County beaches and into the polling stations in the morning. Smells like... (Democrat) victory.

In politics in general, Brian Kemp dismantles "Tank" Abrams allegations about the Georgia governor's race being stolen while the Georgia Democrats look to repeal the racist, unfair law purging their voter rolls which they themselves passed, Nancy Palsi sends Marsha fudge packing, the PAC behind Michael "Pimp Hand of Justice" Avenatti won't disavow him despite the allegations of beating up women, I admire Rick Scott's attitude but he's being a Pollyanna, New York state still has a GOP stronghold way out to the west and Blue Wave not so much.

In Coup news, the President evidently submitted some answers to the grand inquisitor, Andrew Whitaker was paid $900,000 by an anti-Democrat group, which is a nothing-burger when you consider the scores of examples of real conflicts of interest in the media and politics on the Left (and being anti-Democrat IS being pro law and order, so nothing to see here, move along), and some thoughts on candidates to fill the AG slot full time.

At the international desk, the President is standing by the Saudi government, and rightly so all things considered, in the wake of the Khashoggi killing, Bibi Netanyahu says that Putin in return of lifting sanctions on Iran, they will agree to leave Syria, the dangers of letting Putin run INTERPOL, the plight of Asia Bibi and other Pakistani Christians, and the horrors uncovered in areas formerly controlled by the Islamic State.

Speaking of peaceful religions, another wonderful American jurist has declared that laws blocking female genital mutilation are unconstitutional. And in related story, Eastern Michigan University has banned The Vagina Monologues since "not all women have vaginas." The pen is mightier than the rusty straight razor...

Domestically, Conrad Black looks at compartmentalization as it relates to the legislative agenda, PDT's immigration policies are a boon for farmers and farm laborers (shocking!), despite the Left's and krony-kapitalists attempts to sabotage the Dow, a Gallup poll has good news for PDT, despite the turmoil PDT's policies must not be abandoned and more on the forced union dues saga. And in Red-Green headlines, Obama beats out Moonbeam in the stupid statements department.

From hither and yon, Christian Toto looks at 11 celebs who went up against Orange-Man-Bad and lost, Londoners Grinch gripe, a thumbs up for Instant Family, more on the Jonestown massacre anniversary, two good essays on the "nationalism" debate and lastly Rabbi Dov Fischer on Leftist memes and the true nature of the true believers.

Safe and blessed Thanksgiving to you all.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:30 AM

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