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November 19, 2018
Jared's Diamonds Promotes Notion of Women Proposing to Men
Is this crazy? I don't know. A lot of men delay marriage. Maybe there shouldn't be such a stigma against women just being the initiators.
I realize that's not super-romantic but neither is the the current alternative course for a woman who wants to be married to a man who's delaying, which is dropping a lot of naggy hints combined with some semi-ultimatums.
In both cases the guy is being prodded along.
At least in one case, he doesn't have to shell out for a diamond.
Or does he? Maybe the girl is supposed to just get him a cheap diamond ring, with the expectation that he then has to reciprocate with a one-and-half-month's salary jobber.
I'm not entirely trolling with this #HotTake. A lot of people think that marriage is the answer to a lot of social dysfunction -- but men are said to often be in a virtual marriage strike. So anything that kind of pushes the ball towards the "marriage" side of the field would be an improvement, right?
Eh, okay, I'm mostly just trolling. But not completely. A lot of people hang out in not-going-anywhere relationships without making a real push to find out if it's going anywhere. Like dumb guys who become Friendsies with a girl and pine for her for years without ever just manning up and asking her out. And then they wonder why they spent the last two years alone.
Hey, sometimes you gotta nut up and Ask The Question.
posted by Ace of Spades at
05:00 PM
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