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November 10, 2018
Saturday Gardening Thread, Veterans Day Weekend [KT]
Dendrobium Velvet Melody
Hello, Gardeners and Friends of Gardeners. It's Veterans Day Weekend! Hope you and the veterans you know are away from the fires and such.
If you checked the comments a little later in the day last week, you would have discovered that Don in Kansas had been to an orchid show. Take a look. You won't be sorry.
So we had outdoor orchid in Florida last week, and we have indoor orchids in Kansas this week. There are some great things about this country.
Veterans Day is tomorrow
Hank Curmudgeon sent in some links to references on World War I and and World War II Victory Gardens. including The War Garden Victorious, (1919).
It included the posters scattered below.
The Victory Garden Guide (1943) from the USDA.
I love to look through books and art like that. So interesting to see how people approached gardening back then.
And here's a more modern Victory Garden Guide from Penn State. You never know when this information could come in handy.
My cousin who now has her geraniums in the basement for the winter bought several "cemetery mums" on sale last May, before Memorial Day. They are blooming again in her yard for Veterans Day.
The Edible Garden (or a reasonable facsimile)
Kindltot could whip together a Victory Garden pretty fast, I think. I messed posting these earlier.
I have fallen in love with Cherokee Purple tomatoes. I think it is a bit marginal here for them since I think they need more heat. They are much more tasty that the usual Willamette or Valsetz types that I had been growing. They are ugly, but they have flavor at all stages.
They do best in part shade in our climate. They're not the most productive tomato around here.
I also plant Indian corn, and from time to time I will get a dark red stalk with dark leaves and the reddish purple husk on the ears.
Also , I am soft-hearted about pulling up volunteer tomatoes in among the corn.
More from Gordon's trip to the Farmers Market:
Pecks of yet unpickled peppers
Those look inviting.
Purple Sweet Potatoes
Does anybody do anything special with purple sweet potatoes?
I didn't can this stuff.
Gardens of The Horde
We have some fall foliage photos, plus photos from some Wild Places for next week, but don't be shy about sending in your comments or photos.
If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com
Include your nic unless you just want to be a lurker.
Hope you have a great weekend and get to spend some time around plants. Unless it's smoky or something.
posted by Open Blogger at
12:55 PM
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