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The Morning Report - 11/2/18 »
November 01, 2018
Day-After-Halloween ONT
Welcome to the post-Halloween ONT. It's good that some things never change. There's an immigrant who has lived in our old neighborhood for over a decade. He's a friendly guy, all the kids call him Mr. Mohammad, and he always has a small magic trick on him to amuse them. Every year on Halloween, he gives out...tennis balls. Yeah, I don't get it either. No cultural appropriation in this household, Little dressed as a crusader. And he got his tennis ball from Mr. Mohammad. He was saying “DEUS VULT!” instead of trick-or-treat half the night. Personally I would have gone with IN HOC SIGNO VINCES!
Fast Food
Here's a collection of links related to fast food:
Jimmy John's driver delivers ailing Nebraska veteran to emergency room
Teen drives seven hours round trip to deliver pizza to a dying man
Good for both of these guys. From the first story:
“There is always time for people, especially people in need,” he said. “I had the resources, I had drivers, we weren’t super busy with deliveries, either. Zach was glad to help someone out.”
Amen brother. That's the America I know and love.
Open wide America, This defunct burger chain invented much of what you love about fast food. They'll always treat you right.
Your Vote Counts!
OK, two contenders for idiot of the week. Whose it going to be, idiot A, or idiot B? Vote in the comments, I'm going with A, just cuz of the look on his face.
In Russia, Ship Sinks You!
Huge Floating Dry Dock Holding Russia's Only Aircraft Carrier Has Accidentally Sunk
It's the Amiral Kuznetsov. It's a hunk of junk, I wrote about him a couple of years ago when he deployed to the Med (Warning!! Don't comment on old threads! You will be auto-banned!). I always liked the tone of that one, particularly the line about how the ship “served with distinction in a variety of Russian dry docks “.
Welcome To The Great Red North
PM Trudeau Astonishingly Seizes 500,000 Canadians Banking Data “Without their Consent
The smarmy cocksucker wants to have the government know about every check, every charge, every withdrawl and every deposit ever Canadian makes. Hey Canuck Morons, can't y'all get rid of this totalitarian fuck?
In The News This Week
This Jewish Boy Is Going to Buy a Gun
Not In The News This Week
Trump declares his first national monument, honoring African-American troops
Because of course it isn't. Also conspicuous due to it's lack of coverage:
Tree of Life Rabbi Jeffrey Myers on Trump Visit: ‘Pleasantly Surprised by a Warm and Personal Side’ That America Has Never Seen
Ka-Pow! Down the memory hole it goes!
35-Year-Old Mother-Of-Three Gunned Down In A Popeye's Parking Lot
Who did it? Carlos Rodriguez? I dunno, we already played the “white-Hispanic” card and people laughed, we better shitcan the story (and I'm not even kidding. I originally had the story from the local Georgia paper, but they took it down).
How about:
Furious Detroit judge throws out case against black urban farmer after three white women falsely accused him of pedophilia and gun violence when he turned vacant playground into a garden
Now I don't know this, I don't know it at all, but how much you wanna bet that those three women are hardcore libs? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Whoosh! Off to the Daily Mail with you!
Interesting bit about the Kepler Space Telescope
BTW, that account is worth a follow if you do the Twatter thang. Chock full of interesting, usually science-based, tidbits. I started following just to get stuff for the ONT, but now I really enjoy it for its own sake.
Good News!
* Burp *
'Merica. Shit yeah.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by They Live:

posted by WeirdDave at
09:51 PM
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