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November 03, 2018
Ace of Spades Pet Thread
Good afternoon Morons and Lurkers. Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Grab something to drink, something to snack on and kick back for awhile and enjoy the world of animals.
A Little of This. A Little of That.
Even doggehs love autumn.
If this doesn't melt your heart, you don't have one. Quite the special needs puppeh.
So you think your cat is lazy?Think again. They enjoy working for their food.
Mike Hammer's cat I hear disagrees with this study.
Oh my lions and tigers and bears. Man's best friend has friendship reciprocated with life saving surgery.
Meet The PetMorons
Rocky, a true Moron, enjoying some wild animal luxury.
Thanks, Monkfish (perpetual lurker)
So happy that you and Rocky are perpetual lurkers. It appears Rocky leads a rough life. Thank you for your submission and thank you for following the AoS Pet Thread.
Our rescue terrier Benji..because any pup who takes on a German Shepherd to save his 12 year old human is a bad ass. - Jenn
Sounds like an interesting story, hope you share it with us sometime.
This is my cousin's dachshund, Rocco. He's almost three years old. He sort of loves playing fetch, i.e., he brings his little football to you and the you have to wrestle it from him. Then, and only then, do you get to throw it. - Concerned People's Front
Rocco sounds like a funny little guy. You must really like the little guy since you shared his story with us. Thanks.
Weasel dog sneaking cat food out of the cat bowl while I was out on the deck! - Weasel
Perhaps he wouldn't sneak the cat food if you took him out to the range more often. Nice job of catching him in the act. Thanks for the submission.
Maxcat went for his annual swim a couple of days ago. I heard a splash that didn't quite sound like a fish jumping. He'd missed the dock and I saw him swim over to the wooden ladder, climb up just like a human and race back over and jump on the boat.
He got a nice warm sink shower out of it. Then licked himself dry all evening. Next morning, he was all fluffed out and beautiful.
Hasn't been out on deck since. - RI Red
So cats can be klutzy too around water? 2 baths in one day? You certainly are brave. Appreciate the story.
Our beloved Tucker. May he rest easy.
What a cute looking pup. Sorry to hear of your loss. If you are around today please comment and tell us a little bit about Tucker. Breed? Your nic?
Thanks for all of the submissions. Some nice stories and good looking pets. It looks like the pet photo reserves are getting a little low. You can submit photos of your pets to petmorons at gmail dot com. Please include your nic and a little something about your pet.
Have a great week!!

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
02:54 PM
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