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November 02, 2018
The Morning Rant

"'Anti-semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue. It must be confronted and condemned... and [as for] those seeking [the Jews] destruction, we will seek *their* destruction.' This was part of President Trump's statement in response to the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. It is the strongest statement condemning anti-Semitism I have ever heard spoken by any American president. And yet, if you tune in to CNN or MSNBC, it won't be long before you hear one of the talking potato heads call him an anti-Semite as if it were an undisputed fact. But it's obvious that it's a meaningless slur, just another instrument in the NPC media's Orange-Man-Bad toolkit."
Normal People Like President Trump:
CBD touched on this yesterday, but I'll repeat: any time I've seen the First Couple interacting with normal Americans, they just look (and act) like normal people. The kindness and graciousness they display doesn't look faked. I suppose it could be, but if it is, they're really good actors.
For the Record:
Know What Else Hurts Children?
Flashback: Remember When Stephen Colbert Used To Like Donald Trump?
Hodge Twins Opinion of Don Lemon Is Somewhat Low:
(NSFW for use of n-word)
Be the First To Identify This Entitled, Preening Jackass:

Note: 'Not Joan Collins' is not a valid guess]

posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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