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October 30, 2018

The Morning Report - 10/30/18


Good morning kids. Tuesday is here and we're now down to the final week before the crucial 2018 Midterms. The top stories continue to be the fallout over the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, the migrant invasion caravan, the foiled pipe bomb hoaxer Sayoc (which is fading away at an ever quickening pace as more and more questions arise as to who he really is [funny that]) and of course the politics as well as scandals that are dogging several candidates in some key races.

But the political violence, fomented and perpetrated exclusively by the Democrat-Left-Media complex as a matter of approved policy continues unabated, even as that entity continues its vile perverted game of blaming its victims. In case you missed it - and considering the mission of today's media to bury, distort or outright lie about events that destroy its narrative - the Volusia County, Florida GOP office ws struck by gunfire over the weekend, and thankfully no one was hurt. Also DHS Secretary Nielsen reports that she had to deal with daily death threats against agency employees. But of course, that has to either be an exaggeration or a tall tale despite prominent figures in the Democrat Party declaring the DHS a terrorist organization that needs to be abolished. Yup. No correlation whatsoever.

Despite the fact that the individual who slaughtered 11 people in Pittsburgh openly hated President Trump and what he thought was as his being controlled by the international capitalist communist Jewish-Israel conspiracy, the Southern Poverty Law Center laid the blame directly at the feet of the President for essentially causing the bloodshed. After prosecuting a couple of high-profile hate crime cases involving skinheads and neo-Nazis back in the late 80s and early 90s, the SPLC has devolved into (and probably always was) a radical Leftist anti-American front group that hides behind the mask of being champions of civil rights and guardians against hate groups, while using this wholly undeserved reputation as a cudgel to silence and destroy its political enemies by labeling them as hate groups. racists etc. And that completely negates any "good" it might have accomplished in the past, such as it did (the majority of their lawsuits were essentially PR stunts to burnish their image).

Frankly, in the cold light of day, the remnants of the KKK and white supremacists groups such as they do exist in this country (and lest we forget they are creations of Democrats and Socialists) are so minimal and marginal a threat as to be practically non-existent. That doesn't negate the crimes that someone like a Timothy McVeigh (and that was not a race-motivated crime) or even the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter has done, although there is a component there that cannot be ignored (hang on a second). Collectively, the threat to our society, our culture, heritage and way of life these individuals represent is like a mosquito bite on a blue whale. But the real threats to our nation come from mass migration from south of our border as well as radical Islam's stealth and open jihad against us for close to 30 years (we're still waiting for that horrible Islamophobic backlash that has yet to emerge in the wake of not only 9/11 but the dozens of attacks, successful and foiled, that have taken place since).And anyone who dares to bring this up and try to stem it is immediately targeted for termination by the SPLC. It would take a lot of pixels to detail its history but a very good dossier on them can be found here courtesy of David Horowitz's invaluable Discover The Networks. And now, the SPLC is teaming up with Google and Facebook to lend them their phony imprimatur as the arbiters of "hate speech" to effectively censor and silence the Democrat-Left-Media complex's political enemies, large and small alike.

Mercifully, there are several lawsuits pending against the SPLC in the wake of one that naturally got next to zero coverage; that of a Muslim named Maajid Nawaz who won a major defamation lawsuit against the SPLC who labeled him "Islamophobic" for daring to expose the true nature of the religion. Hopefully more of these suits can be brought against them from those they have sought to destroy and then wipe them out. That said, the SPLC should be investigated and/or broken up either by Congress or the DoJ. Not sure how that is done or under what laws but this group wields frightening power and represent a danger to the republic.

Down to the border we go where the President has sent upwards of 5,000 troops to try and prevent the estimated 14,000 strong migrant invasion force from setting foot on American soil. He and others in the administration, among them the Border Patrol and DHS Secretary Nielsen, have said in no uncertain terms that we are off limits. Meanwhile, yet another mob of migrant invaders has crossed into Mexico from Guatemala with the intent of heading north. This is not going to stop either. And as Nancy "So Be It" Palsi derogates Americans for not wanting hordes of illiterate peasantry invading the country, her precious MS-13 animals are terrorizing the State that she represents. Well, not Pacific Heights anyway. Yet.

Moving on, the President and First Lady will be in Pittsburgh to try to comfort the bereaved as a goodwill gesture, which the hack Democrat mayor refuses to acknowledge (way to heal those divisions, Dems), the multi-faceted hydra of Democrat malevolence, prominent Dems love hanging with Calypso Louie, O'Keefe stings Sinema, Tom Perez is a raging hypocrite, Balsey Ford's life is ruined to the tune of over $1 million and book offers (the horror, the horror), and both Fauxca-hasbeen and Kamala-Toe broke fundraising rules by taking advantage of the Kavanaugh persecution. Just another day ending in "Y" for Dems.

In free speech and fake news fakery, we already discussed the SPLC, Daniel Greenfield on how the media would be defending the shooter if he were a swarthy Middle Easterner, Julia Ioffe non-apologizes for her Trump-ISIS comparison, Tom Steyer meanwhile compares Trump to Saddam Hussein, good essay on the Left hiding behind Soros vis a vis defining his attackers as anti-semites, and Sarah Sanders is a national treasure.

To politics, where with 7 days to go, PDT has released a national TV ad to push GOP candidates over the finish line, desperate Menendez supporter is a racist, a black businessman in a Debbie Shabby-now commercial endorses John James, Larry Elder on the racist voter ID myth, "Again" O'Rourke scams poor people too, PDT rips Andrew Gillum, and some good essays on Trump, his style and accomplishments to date.

In 2A news, Jews need to arm up and a good man with a gun stops a Hamburglar in an Alabama McDonald's. Internationally, Brazil's Bolsonaro tells it like it is, the fallout of Merkel's none-too-soon departure, what could happen if we abandon the Saudis vis a vis Yemen and the prospect of Iranian influence there and don't believe the hype when it comes to Jordanian "friendship" with Israel.

Domestically, the pickle over the need for labor in a booming economy and cheap labor from south of the border, give Obama credit for healthcare - ruining it that is, Columbia University's reaction to the Pittsburgh shooting is depressing, typical and depressing for being typical, enviro-nazis hate your pet, that kiddie lawsuit over "climate change," the cast and crew of The Big Bang Theory are assholes, and a couple of good essays round out the links - one on Trump and the other on the threat of Socialism.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:21 AM

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