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October 29, 2018
Trump Will Send 5000 Active Duty Troops to Border to Stop [CENSORED]
I can't say what the troops will be stopping because all the media and NeverTrumpers say that talking about the [CENSORED] which is coming to the US from [CENSORED] and [CENSORED] through [CENSORED] is somehow anti-[CENSORED] hate speech which is also, somehow, anti-[CENSORED].
One might suspect that they just want to shut up Republicans from talking about an issue which animates voters to vote Republican, but suggesting that the press might be [CENSORED] Party activists itself hate-speech we are no longer permitted.
So 5000 troops are going to the border for... reasons.
Shockingly enough, very, very liberal ex-Republican atheist AllahPundit is right on board with the left in pronouncing that the GOP is not permitted to discuss issues that matter to it:
A Trumpy ad would have ended with a caravan of illegal-alien Antifa members storming the concert hall and murdering the daughter onstage, all because mom voted for a Democrat.
All that hate speech! That's what Republicans do, you know. They use racist hate-speech to appeal to extremists and racists and not-a-bomb-senders.
Jake Tapper is dreamy!!!!

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:33 PM
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