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October 29, 2018
The Atlantic: Excommunicate the Jews Who Support Trump
This country is no longer a country and it's time for a separation, whether peaceable or otherwise.
More here. This is a common demand now being made by the Purge Everyone left. (And soon, I imagine, the purge-happy "right" as well. Can't wait to hear the National Review weigh in. They'll probably offer a "compromise" solution of a half-ostraciziation and partial excommunication and clap themselves on the back for their reasonableness.)
It's what I imagined I would read when I opened "A prayer for Squirrel Hill-- And for American Jewry" from Franklin Foer, whom I know somewhat and have always respected. Instead, I read this: "Any strategy for enhancing the security of American Jewry should involve shunning Trump’s Jewish enablers. Their money should be refused, their presence in synagogues not welcome."
In other words, more than half of my Shabbat morning congregants, and in some more traditional synagogues, almost all of them, should have the doors barred against their entry. Jews who make minyans, pay shiva calls, underwrite nursing homes and kindergartens -- people who make Judaism possible, with their flawed but real human presence, for other people --should be cast out of our midst because of the levers they pull in the privacy of a voting booth. And what, after all, would a Jew who fled from Iran know about anti-Semitism --or protecting the Jewish community?
As Shabbat ended in Los Angeles, a city where in 1999 there was a terror attack against a Jewish Community Center, I saw this from another reporter whose work I have always esteemed very highly, Julia Ioffe: "And a word to my fellow American Jews: This President makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it."
The calculation here, I suppose, is that people voted for Trump to get an embassy move and their vote proxy murdered other Jews. How careful should one be, should a distinguished reporter be, when accusing others of such enormities, even indirectly? How do people think this message will fall on the ears of those who fled from Iran, to be told that they are in fact guilty in the death of Pittsburgh's Jews?
Or -- even more shamefully-- on the ears of Judah Samet. Mr. Samet, a Holocaust survivor, escaped death by 4 minutes because he was a little late to shul. He is also a strong supporter of Trump. Frank, Julia: Would you stand before this 80-year-old man, not in a tweet or online piece, but face to face, and tell him he is responsible for the death of his friends, the people with whom he prays each Shabbat? Would you bar him from the shul where he almost died, again, at the hands of Jew haters? Really? And that would make us the righteous ones?

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:02 PM
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