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October 29, 2018
The Morning Rant

"You know what's fun? Start arguing with a progtard about America. Begin by saying America is the best country ever, and wouldn't she agree? When she finishes sputtering and cursing her denials, ask her what's so bad about America. Guaranteed she'll start screeching about racism and the dominance of white men. Then ask, well, if you don't like America, then what's a better country to live in? Now the odds are, she'll pick one of the Scandinavian countries, say, Sweden. And that's when you say, but Sweden is full of white guys. It was founded and built from the ground up by white guys. It's much whiter than America, even with the recent influx of Mideast and African immigrants. And then say, what you're telling me is that in order to have a decent and livable country, it has to be built and maintained by white guys. Finish up by asking her that if she thinks Sweden is a better country, when is she going to emigrate there and why is she still living here in America, the most racist country on earth? And then step back because her head might explode."
The News:
Trump Needs To Tone Down The Rhetoric Before Someone Gets Killed:

Love Trumps Hate:
Puzzle Boxes:
I Think I See the Problem Here:


posted by OregonMuse at
11:22 AM
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