« Yesterday, The New York Times Published Five (Awful) Fiction Pieces About How the Trump Presidency Would End.
One Naturally Went to the Assassination Fantasy -- with Trump's Secret Service Helping to Kill Him. |
Megyn Kelly Desperately Grovels to her New Friends on the Left After Committing Wrongthink [Warden] »
October 24, 2018
Early Open Thread
I had a setback last night, recovery-wise. I had a choking coughing fit and then great difficulty breathing (probably from the diaphragm and other muscles around the lungs being exhausted from coughing) and had to use my super-stimulating, almost-an-aphetamine rescue inhaler at midnight, so I didn't fall asleep until 5 am.
Then at 8:30 I had a coughing fit and woke up and couldn't fall back asleep.
So I'm really worn out again.
Mostly yesterday was a pretty good day, but I'm not healed up yet.
I figure the news cycle is set in stone now for at least 16 hours anyway. Just CNN carrying on about how they should be free to attack the president in strident, alarmist tones-- People Will Die unless something is done! -- but Trump shouldn't be permitted to call them "Fake News."
It's too dangerous, you see.
I don't know if any of that is true, obviously.
Fox had on one of the guys who tracked the Unabomber and that guy did not discount the "False Flag" theory at all. He pointed to the fact that there was no clear way to set the bombs off -- apart from the end-user deliberately igniting it himself -- as a reason to be suspicious these devices were intended to blow up anything except cable ratings.
posted by Ace of Spades at
07:58 PM
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