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October 24, 2018
Yesterday, The New York Times Published Five (Awful) Fiction Pieces About How the Trump Presidency Would End.
One Naturally Went to the Assassination Fantasy -- with Trump's Secret Service Helping to Kill Him.
Tell me again how much civility Trump, or I, or any of us, owes to the very civil, very responsible, very anti-violence media again.
Here's an excerpt:
When it was time, he went downstairs, took his place in the lobby before the entourage appeared. The hotel staff had been lined up to see their boss, the president, go by. A few of them applauded. Most did not.
The president didn't seem to notice. He waved, in his desultory fashion. The Secret Service agents clustered around him, ushered him toward the armored limo idling outside at the curb.
The Russian waited until they were a few steps past before he drew the gun. He sighted on the center of the president's back, and squeezed the trigger.
Spoiler alert (like we give a damn): the gun misfires and the story ends with a Secret Service agent handing over his Glock and saying, "Here, use mine."
Funny, I didn't hear CNN's pussies crying about this today.
Repeat after me:
The rules of engagement you set for your enemies are the precise rules of engagement you set for yourself.
If it's okay for you to wink-wink and encourage actual violence against Republicans, well, then, at the very least, it's okay for the rest of us to not give a shit if Trump calls you Fake News.
Actually, of course, you've given us license to say a lot more than that, but we're not animals like you are.
But shut the fuck up about "Fake News," you monsters.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:50 PM
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