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October 15, 2018
Elizabeth Warren Proudly Releases Test Results Proving She Has Less Indian DNA Than the Average Non-Indian White Person
Yes, less Indian DNA than non-Indian white people, such as herself.
As The Federalist's Sean Davis points out, according to The New York Times, the average white person in America has nearly double the amount of American Indian DNA (0.18%) as Elizabeth Warren (0.098%), who claims to be Cherokee. Then there is this:
The credulous reporter who wrote the Warren DNA piece didn't do the math correctly (and this is before getting into why the particular test, which didn't even use American Indian DNA to compare, was garbage). Six generations removed is 1/64. Ten removed is 1/1024 (0.098%).
I don’t much care about Warren's ethnicity, but she is not, in any genuine sense, a racial or ethnic minority. Not in blood. Not in experience. Under her standards, how many Americans would qualify as Native American? Or put it this way: is being 1/1,024th African enough to claim “minority” status in a professional setting? I'm asking for the liberals who believe race-based hiring is an important means of facilitating diversity and ensuring fairness.
It was Warren who made it all an issue. We don’t fully know how important Warren's claims were in her career. There is, however, much evidence that her self-driven minority claims in the 1990s were helpful. Warren, who once maintained her family had "high cheekbones like all of the Indians do," was listed as a "minority faculty member" by The University of Pennsylvania. She had the school switch her designation from white to Native American. Warren self-identified as a "minority" in the legal directory, and Harvard Law School preposterously listed her as one of the "women of color" the school had hired. On job applications, Warren was very specific in claiming that she had Cherokee and Delaware Indian ancestry.
My flu ramped up bad at the end of the week and I had to go to urgent care on Saturday due to difficulty breathing (which turned out to be bronchitis).
So look out, something's going around. Maybe time for those flu shots.
And I'm going to be half-assing it again today.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:24 PM
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