Chess Thread 10-06-2018 »
October 06, 2018
Trump Was an MVP in Kavanaugh's Confirmation Precisely Because He Ignored the Pusillanimous Whining of the "Republican Elites" Who Are Either Closet (?) Liberals Or Too Afraid of Their Liberal Wives or Young Sidepieces to Go After the Left
Thanks to Steevy, a truthbomb.
All these alleged "elites" do is pass around fourth-hand conventional wisdom on twitter, while clapping each other on the back for being strong independent thinkers.
They don't actually think. They regurgitate.
The don't come to their unconsidered-yet-bullheadedly-certain opinions because they thought their way into them.
They had this crap socialized into them by their cuck bubbles on twitter. All the "right people" -- who are always wrong -- say so, so this is the safe thing to say and believe.
It's time they examined why they are constantly wrong and confronted the defects in their thinking (or simple osmosis of other cucks' conventional wisdom thoughtoids), or everyone else just began ignoring them, understanding them to be the intellectually shallow, socially compromised, fanatically-tribalistic lightweight liberals that they are.
Yeah, I know you guys went to PRIVATE COLLEGES!!! and that live in tony neighborhoods of the most liberal cities in America, and we know you're very, very proud of that.
We know you almost universally come from striving, ascending middle-class-climbing-up-to-the-upper-middle-class families, and we know an important class marker of the newly-minted members of the upper-middle-class is to spit venom at classes they consider inferior to themselves, in order to passive-aggressively show they are not Of the ruffians and Deplorables.
And it's great that you were born into comfort and are rising into still more comfort.
But what else you got? Is that it, or do you have actual political achievements to back up your fantastical, ridiculous self-regard?
When was the last time you guys were actually right about a political dispute you had with the Deplorables or the real conservatives, not the #FakeConservative "TruCons"?
Not "right" as you yourselves judge it, but "right" according to what external, objective evidence demonstrates?

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:32 PM
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