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October 05, 2018
Sarah Palin Threatens Murkowski With Primary
Abortion extremist and 2nd-most-liberal Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski will vote against Kavanaugh on social (group) justice grounds -- other women were assaulted and not believed in the past, so she will scape-goat an innocent man to balance the Social Justice Warrior karmic scales.
Murkowski voted against moving Kavanaugh's nomination forward and claimed afterward that Kavanaugh's "not the right man for the court at this time."
She admits that he's a "good man," but the Social Justice of this #MeToo moment demands he be branded a rapist:
"I believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. I believe he is a good man. It just may be that in my view he's not the right man for the court at this time."
The strange demonic gods of Social Justice demand a ritual sacrifice, and Abortion Priestess Lisa Murkowski is willing to wield the dagger.
Well, Sarah Palin is now threatening a primary.
I don't think Palin's that popular in Alaska any more but she's still got some juice.
Palin's longtime aide Rebecca Mansour had suggested this primary threat hours before:
Run, Sarah, Run!
Bonus: How #Based is Lindsay Graham now?
This #Based. Look at the screaming maenad in the background, and Linsay Graham's jaunty adjustment to his tie's classic Double-Bofa knot.
Video of the encounter here.
Update: Joe Manchin is really obvious in his pretending.
Only now that Kavanaugh doesn't need him does he announce to his conservative voters, "Oh, I'm a Yes too."
How long is West Virginia going to fall for this?

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:01 PM
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