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October 05, 2018
There Is No Deep State, Continued
Even more unexpected connections revealed in this thread.
See also Tom Maguire's interesting evidence suggesting that Blasey might have been coached on what to say by her lawyer galpal McLean.
Somewhat related: House subpeonas Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.
You know, a lot of people suspect that Fusion GPS might have somethin'-somethin' to do with this latest political op. Remember, a Dianne Feinstein aide took over as the manager/donation-bagman of Fusion GPS' ongoing "investigation" of Trump.
Oh, and: Mr. President, we are real news. Compare the videotape to what this Atlantic "journalist" claims is on the videotape.
True Shit:
Some have speculated that many NeverTrumpers became NeverKavanaugh agitators precisely because their stupid "'But Gorsuch...' macro," as Sean calls it, sounds a lot weaker when it's "But Gorsuch... But Kavanaugh..."
And it gets very, very weak when we add "But Barrett..." when she replaces RBG.
All the NeverTrumpers must account for the fact that they voted to put at least two, and possibly three (or more) partisan archprog Democrats on the Supreme Court. That was the decision they made.
At some point, they will have to explain to their readers or voters why they did that, and why they still believe that their readers or voters should continue trusting their judgment on issues of importance.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,, as DaNang Dick tells us.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:08 PM
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