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October 05, 2018
37 Conservative Leaders to Washington Post: You Can Employ Any Hack Writers You Like, But You Cannot Continue to Lie in Calling Jen Rubin a "Conservative" Columnist
Democracy dies in dissembling.
Mollie Hemingway:
The Washington Post’s continued labeling of blogger Jennifer Rubin as a "conservative" in the years since she has repeatedly rejected conservative ideas and principles is an example of why the American people are unable to trust the media, more than three dozen top conservative leaders say.
"In truth, it is nearly impossible to discern any conservatism in Rubin's contemporary writing," the leaders said in an October 3 letter to the Washington Post editorial board. Citing the rejection of her previous positions on climate change, gun control, Middle East foreign policy, tax cuts, immigration, and abortion, the group said the notion that Rubin is conservative is "laughable."
More recently she has mocked virginity as "juvenile, emotionally stunted" behavior, argued in favor of impeaching Judge Brett Kavanaugh, mocked those who defend due process and the rule of law, campaigned for Democrats and against Republicans, and generally engaged in obsessive behavior against conservatives on social media.
"We, of course, respect the right of The Washington Post to employ whatever writers it pleases -- even Jennifer Rubin. However, we ask for the sake of intellectual honesty that the Post cease to identify her as in any way 'conservative,'" the group implored the Post.
More at the link.
It's about time we started doing this. People lie about their politics because there's nothing the media loves more than a #FakeConservative who endorses every liberal agenda item.
But it's not honest. It's just more propaganda from the deeply dishonest, Democrat media.
Also: Jeff Flake says he's a yes on confirmation, unless something big happens. Like Chris Coons squiring some tears at him.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:45 PM
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