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September 18, 2018
ABC News Political Director and Noted Thumb Matthew J. Dowd: It Doesn't Matter Whether Christine Blasey-Ford's Accusations Are True or Not; We Must Treat Kavaugh as Guilty to Vindicate a Higher Social Justice
People often don't think about what "social justice" means. It means group justice, as contrasted with individual justice. Social Justice Warriors always claim race- and gender-based privileges (you know, like racists and sexists do) on the theory that "social justice" -- justice for an entire group's asserted challenges -- trumps any considerations of individual justice, individual merit, or individual achievement.
Noted leftwing troll and thumb Matt Dowd promotes the idea that social justice for a group comprising 51% of the world's population must trump any considerations of individual justice for Brett Kavanaugh.
Or Christine Blasey-Ford, for that matter -- whether or not not she was wronged just doesn't matter. What matters is that some women somewhere were wronged, and we must burn this scapegoat Kavanaugh to please our New Gods of Gender and Race.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:31 PM
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