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September 13, 2018
FBI: Why No, We're Not Going to Be Investigating an Anonymous, Third-Hand, Completely Evidence-Free Allegation of a Local Alleged Crime Allegedly Committed 40 Years Ago, Well Outside Any Statute of Limitations
But that was never the point, was it?
The point was to pour this bloody chum in the water so that the sharks would be attracted and go into frenzy.
The new line will be the same as the old line, but with a minor tweak: "We must wait until after the elections to find additional information about this completely evidence-free anonymous October Surprise."
How can the Republic endure if we don't know whether or not Brett Kavanaugh gave a geek a Purple Nurple in ninth grade?
BTW, Feinstein reportedly had this Mystery Accusation in her large back pocket since July.
What a shock, she drops it as the hearings are coming to a close and there's not enough time to "investigate this matter fully" before the elections.
Almost as if it were all planned off the rip.*
* Off the rip means at the start. This is some hot new slang I just learned. It dates from 2005 or earlier. So, cutting edge stuff for me.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:00 PM
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