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September 11, 2018
Roll Call: Russia Buying Some Ads on FaceBook Was a Terrorist Nightmare Just Like 9/11
"RUSSIA" is written on the plane's side, if it's too small to read.
The cartoon is also a conspiracy theory, of course -- Russia did not alter a single vote in the election, though media leftists keep insinuating otherwise. And half of all Democrats believe this conspiracy theory, just as nearly half of all Democrats believed that Bush knew about 9/11 in advance.
The media's been trying to pretend they really, rilly care about 9/11 for this one anniversary of 9/11, because Trump's first tweet of the day was not about 9/11. So the usual suspects are, for the first time in 15 years, writing about 9/11 to show how Presidential they are.
But cartoons like Roll Call's, written before they decided to all pretend they care a lot about 9/11, show this is all yet another #FakeNews lie.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:42 PM
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