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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
September 11, 2018
The Morning Report 9/11/18
Good morning kids. Before we begin, as of this writing Hurricane Florence is now a category 5 storm and is barreling towards a landfall along the Carolinas. Please, if you or loved ones are in the path of the storm, take all precautions and get out of harms way as fast a you can. Stay safe.
Today, Tuesday, September 11th marks the 17th anniversary of the attacks on our soil that killed nearly 3,000 innocent people in the name of a totalitarian ideology that for over 1,600 years has sought the subjugation of humanity or its destruction in pursuit of same. Sadly it shares common cause with the our other mortal enemy, Leftist Totalitarianism. The rhetoric and the raw hatred is the same; only the iconography and some of the outward trappings vary here and there. But in the end, they want us dead and will stop at nothing to achieve it. If they can't cut our heads off with a rusty hacksaw, they'll rot the brains of our children from within with the words of Marx, Alinsky, Zinn and others. As we remember the horror of that day, as well as the sacrifice (the real sacrifice and not the phony bilge spewed by Nike over the face of Colonic Kaopectate) and incredible spirit that brought us together (the frauds on the Left in Congress notwithstanding), let us take a moment to reflect, remember, pray for those who gave their lives just for living their lives and pursuing their dreams in this truly blessed land. Despite its flaws, and despite the desire of those who seek to portray this nation as flawed and evil in its founding, it was, is and always will be the last best hope for humanity. God Bless America and Remember 9/11.
In the lead we have First Amendment, Fake News and Censorship where (as if we didn't know) the Socialist Media oligarchs are in a full court press to silence conservative and Republican voices ahead of the Midterms. Latest to be muzzled is Benghazi hero Kris Paronto for blasting President Kenya-Kona Blend. We also are learning that Google went all out to get Latinos to the polls in 2016 but that backfired royally, Bob Woodward's reputation (such as it might have been) is a lie, and a perfect example of how journalists can distort and paint a subject. Unbiased my ass.
On the Amnesty front, the Koch-CoC whores are all in for open borders (funny how they were the Emanuel Goldsteins of the Left just a few short years ago), the GOP is Whig-ing out by sabotaging the border wall yet again just before the Midterms (DIAF), and a dreamy DREAMr is all about sharing... mostly HIV with little children.
In politics, Ken Starr should just STFD and STFU, we have confirmation that Strzok and Page failing to take down candidate Trump used the FBI to take down President Trump (Claude Rains shocked face), Obama opens his mouth and might help Shit-Midas the GOP to preserving Congress come November, Mark Levin goes to the mattresses to defend Ron DeSantis from the smear campaign, coastal Leftists love Tammy Baldwin but Wisconsonians not so much, election fraud and the city of Houston is a big problem, and Rush was almost apoplectic yesterday discussing Serena Williams in context with Leftist politics. Worth a read/listen.
Internationally, after giving the Paleo-stinians the boot in DC, John Bolton told the International Criminal Court to essentially FOAD and perhaps hinted at the US withdrawing from the UN (the mustache, it tickles), PDT is considering sanctioning the Chi-Coms over Muslim detention camps and a related story about the Chi-Com/PLA global road project might offer a reason for Trump's move vis a vis the Muslims (as a means of blocking Chi-Com inroads overseas), Catalonian separatists are going California in resisting Madrid, and the Farsis are farting out tough-talk.
Domestically, Californian parents have had enough with the homo/trans mafia school indoctrination, IBD analysis of the coming burst of the higher ed bubble, Moonbeam's green dream will cream the Golden State, Competitive Enterprise Institute is sounding the alarm about private money sabotaging the will of the people by funding enviro-activism, and PDT is set to axe yet another Obama-era prosperity-killing enviro reg.
From hither and yon, how PDT is just smashing Beltway icons, the Kermit Gosnell film and the silencing of conservative voices, and Roger Kimball with one of several pieces on the fatal allure of Socialism.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.