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Waiting for Ace »
September 10, 2018
The Morning Rant

"As ace discussed on Wednesday, the NY Times published an oped supposedly from a, quote, anonymous senior administration official, unquote that paints the president as a petulant little kid running around the White house jumping on the furniture and breaking things that the adults have to fix. And there is much speculation as to the identify of this, quote, senior official, unquote, but how can you not read it and immediately conclude that it's a hoax? To belabor the obvious, if there were actually some sort of cabal working in the White House to hold him in check, why did they out themselves? Why announce the existence of the cabal to the supposed target? Doesn't that defeat the very purpose of a 'secret' group? And the article itself, holy crap, it reads like NeverTrump fan fiction. It could've been written by Bill Kristol. Or David French or any of the other Acela Corridor 'cruise ship' conservatives and then 'leaked' to the Times who, naturally, snapped it up and printed it because they'll believe anything if they think it will damage Trump. Me, I think it came from the White House, but Trump authorized it. Heck, it was probably written by Barron as a writing assignment in speculative fiction. Because I think PDT likes to f* with the media. The MSM is like a roomful of cats and Trump is standing at the door with a laser pointer, shining it this way and that, and all the cats are chasing the red dot around running into each other, knocking each other down, and Trump is with Kellyanne Conway and John Kelly and they're all laughing their asses off. It reminds me of what happened in the 2004 election when CBS ran with the Killian documents that anyone with a lick of sense could see were obvious fakes. But it affirmed what they were already predisposed to believe about Bush, plus they wanted to influence the election in favor of the Democrats, so they didn't ask too many questions. It's the same here; confirmation bias plus Stage IV TDS is a helluva thing."
Nike Parodies:

By the way, did you know that back in 2013, a Illinois trucking company that fired two Muslims who would not deliver alcohol because it violated their religious beliefs
lost the resulting lawsuit and the jury awarded the drivers $240,000 in damages? Yes, that's right. All religions are equal under the U.S. Constitution, but some are more equal than others.
I'm thinking this is probably guerrilla street artist Sabo.
Well, At Least He Wasn't Naked:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:27 AM
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