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September 05, 2018
Today in Senate Theater
Dick Durbin tells Kavanaugh he should stop his own confirmation hearings.
Kavanaugh said it wasn't up to the nominee to make decisions on documents, but Durbin responded the amount of documents they received on him would reflect on him and his nomination.
"I think it's up to you," Durbin said, pointing at Kavanaugh. "I think it's up to you. If you said at this moment to this chairman and to this committee, ‘Stop, pause, hit the pause button, I don't want any cloud or shadow over this nomination. I trust the American people. I want them to trust me. I am prepared to disclose those public documents.'"
"If said at this moment, 'I don't want to have a cloud over this nomination, I am prepared to suggest to the committee and ask the committee humbly, please, withhold further hearings until you disclose everything,'" he added. "Why won't you do that?"
Diane Feinstein apologized to Kavanaugh for disruptors' constant disruptions and so got rage-mobbed by the #Resistance.
Although Feinstein allotted a portion of her opening statement to defending the feelings emanating against confirmation, it wasn't enough to placate progressives who viewed her apology as an act of heresy.
Brian Fallon, who served as the national press secretary for Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign, summed the pervading displeasure amongst progressives when he took to social media to denounce Feinstein's apology as "ridiculous."
As previously reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Fallon is currently the executive director of a special interest group fighting President Donald Trump's "takeover" of the federal judiciary.
Feinstein made up for this heresy by offering up demented, senile stupidity on guns.
Feinstein asked Kavanaugh about his dissent, as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which he argued a handgun ban was unconstitutional. Feinstein asked which weapons were protected under the "common use" standard and "what evidence or study did you use to do that?"
Kavanaugh replied that, as a circuit judge, "I don't get to pick and choose which Supreme Court precedents I get to follow. I follow them all."
After some back and forth, Feinstein interjected, "Let me interrupt you. I think we're on totally different wavelengths. I'm talking about your statement on common use, as common use being a justification. And assault weapons are not in common use."
Kavanaugh responded that semiautomatic weapons were protected, since "there are millions and millions and millions of semiautomatic rifles that are possessed, so that seemed to fit common use."
Feinstein interrupted to argue that numbers of guns owned does not determine whether they are in common use.
"You're saying the numbers determine common use?" she asked. "Common use is an activity, it is not common storage or possession. It is use. So, what you said was that these weapons are commonly used. They are not."
People are buying "assault weapons" (by which she means only semi-automatic rifles that silly progressives believe "look scary") only to store them? Just to stockpile them? They're not using them?
posted by Ace of Spades at
04:13 PM
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