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EMT 09/01/18 »
August 31, 2018
Gerroldized ONT
David Gerrold is the guy who wrote the Star Trek episode The Trouble With Tribbles. Then he re-wrote it for the animated series, wrote a bunch of books about writing it and in the 80s sold a script to The Real Ghostbusters where Slimer broke up into thousands of little slimers. DS9 did a tribbles episode, and he current has an episode of the fan produced Phase II in post production that deals with an Enterprise crew member splitting into many versions of himself called The Protracted Man. Seems he keeps revisiting the same general plot over and over again, changing a few details, and making bank. It's quite a concept. Could it be...
....that I'll just repost last night's ONT?
No, no it couldn't. It's a dumb question, never happens. Forget I asked. What you also won't get is one of my normal posts. I wrote a Morning Report earlier this week that used up a bunch of my ONT material for the daywalkers. Why should they get to enjoy the links and you nightsiders be left in the cold? I collected them for y'all after all. I've also got a time conflict with writing an ONT, so I can give y'all a dozen links to interesting articles and news reports that were wasted on the AoS blue bloods this week. Here goes nuthin'.
Given all the suffering it has caused, is socialism a hate crime?
Watch: North Carolina Socialists Chant, Celebrating Death Of John McCain
If you really want an effective counter to all of the idiots running around crying for Socialism, there's no better place to go than the Twitter feed of @RexValllachorum. An expat Romanian, he grew up in socialist Romania before emigrating to the US. He has an ongoing series of tweetstorms about what life in a Marxist country is really like, and every one of them is gold.
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part I
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part II: Socialism and the 1%
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part III: Socialist Healthcare
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part IV: Socialist Military Life
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part V: Socialist Planned Economy
A Wonderful Socialist Life - Part VI: The People's House and the people housing
Read them all. Wonderful stuff, straight from the horse's mouth.
Big fish in little ponds:
Victor David Hanson came up with what he calls "The Bloomberg Syndrome"
It is a human trait to focus on cheap and lofty rhetoric rather than costly, earthy reality. It is a bureaucratic characteristic to rail against the trifling misdemeanor rather than address the often-dangerous felony. And it is political habit to mask one's own failures by lecturing others on their supposed shortcomings. Ambitious elected officials often manage to do all three.
The result in these hard times is that our elected sheriffs, mayors, and governors are loudly weighing in on national and global challenges that are quite often out of their own jurisdiction, while ignoring or failing to solve the very problems that they were elected to address.
Quite simply, the next time your elected local or state official holds a press conference about global warming, the Middle East, or the national political climate, expect to experience poor county law enforcement, bad municipal services, or regional insolvency.
That comes from the following article (from 2013)
The Bloomberg Syndrome Strikes Philadelphia
So, do we have any examples of The Bloomberg Syndrome in the news today? Well, here's one.
Plastic Straw Myths
Contrast that with the politically inconvenient facts:
How to Solve the Plastic Crisis: Just eight countries are responsible for most ocean plastic.
A few more political links:
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter up by 8 points despite indictment
No, adding a few more Republicans to the Senate will not change the equation
PETA Attacks!
PETA put up a billboard urging Baltimore to stop eating crabs. It didn't exactly go over well.
Baltimore Strikes Back!
Jimmy's is good, real good, but they don't even make the best crabcake in Baltimore (that would be Pappas). Their 7 lb seafood sandwich is a marvel to behold, however, and they're not taking PETA's BS sitting down. Check their Twitter feed for more.
Someone also improved the original billboard:
Added by request: The 7lb seafood sandwich:
More Twitter News:
Someone Threatens To Murder Dana Loesch’s Children. Twitter Yawns.
But please, tell me again how conservatives aren't being treated at second class citizens on social media. Ace had a post earlier today about something similar happening to Meghan McCain.
Bias in Media
I hope none of you blinked, because if you did, you would have missed the fleeting coverage the MSM gave to the compound of Muslims training children to conduct terrorists attacks found in Arizona a week or so ago. This is CNN's take:
In New Mexico, where life off the grid is common, compound suspects struggled
Poor widdle terrorists, finding it so hard to live without modern amenities. What were they up to, you ask?
Two linked to 'extremist Muslim' New Mexico compound wanted to attack hospital, prosecutors say
Miscellaneous Stuff
Suds for Drugs Why Tide detergent is a hot item for shoplifters
Sexually frustrated dolphin named Zafar terrorises (sic) tourists on French beach
A Jolt To The Jugular! You’re Insured But Still Owe $109K For Your Heart Attack
UN: Decisive action needed to ban killer robots - before it’s too late
And I think that's it for me, folks. Don't worry, I'll back next week with an all new ONT, but for now, you gets what you gets.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Ned Ryerson:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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