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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
August 16, 2018
The Morning Report 8/16/18
Good morning kids. The top story as we head into Thursday is the President's completely justified and long overdue revocation of former CIA director John Brennan's security clearance yesterday afternoon. The reaction from the forces in the Dem-Left-Media complex are predictable. Without going to an extensive, long-winded diatribe of what brought us to this place, suffice it to say that John Brennan used his position before, during and after the 2016 presidential election to both engineer a plot to undermine the candidacy of Donald Trump (and probably every other strong contender in the GOP field) and then failing that, to actually undermine his presidency with the ultimate goal of having him removed from office, voluntarily or otherwise. And since January 20th of 2017, the assault on PDT and on our republic has seen every trick, tactic, smear and even physical assault blow up in their faces, an quite spectacularly all things considered. So now the plot has become an effort to cover up the crime, exonerate the criminals and if necessary leave one or more underlings out in the open to take the heat, as it were. And heat does not necessarily mean justice or punishment as we all know.
That said, the meme is now firing John Brennan undermines the first amendment and is unconstitutional, as the pencil-necked, needle-dicked, loudmouth crook of a Senator from Connecticut vomited up that bromide yesterday. For anyone even vaguely aware of all the moving parts of this (and Lord knows even I'm not following it all), comments like that are beyond insulting to one's intelligence. But the vapidity and stupidity of the comment are maybe one half step more coherent and logical as Chelsea Hubbel claiming infanticide by the million somehow boosts the economy. Mark Levin and others have blasted the meme to shreds and it really is so unworthy of refutation that it doesn't deserve the real estate to explain it. That said, you tell a big enough lie long enough an loud enough and a significant number of the uneducated and uninformed will swallow it faster than a greased cucumber can slide down Sandra Fluke's throat.
But, like virtually every other thing that has happened since the coming of PDT, people beyond just us and the base are paying attention. The incredible economy, the crackdown on the border (such as it is all things considered), the meltdown of the Den-Left in all its forms, political and cultural, it all has had an effect. This is what a semi-cold civil war looks like; when those in power who have been at the controls for a very long time (it is a generational struggle) have it wrested from them, there is going to be a reaction.
In any case, more security clearance revocations are coming as Jim Jordan and others are noting. Good. All things considered, when you realize that going beyond the actual acts of criminality themselves, John Brennan and company have seriously damaged the underpinnings of our society. When people are made to doubt the integrity of the electoral system because of an intentional and sustained propaganda campaign, and then to look at the highest levels of our law enforcement and justice system as corrupt, that to me is a hanging offense. And I am not being hyperbolic. I believe it also goes beyond Brennan which means you-know-who. Will anything even approaching true justice ever be meted out to the miscreants and traitors involved? Highly doubtful. Is the exposure of all of this and the concomitant irresponsible and criminal reaction by those in the media and in politics equally destructive? Of course. But that said, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Painful as all of this is to go through and witness, it has to be done. And stay tuned as the screws, supposedly, tighten on Bruce Ohr.
Lots more going on so let's hit it. Evidently an ISIS operative who came here as a refugee has been apprehended in California on murder charges. Also, a Missouri man has been arrested for pointing a loaded weapon at a pro-life protestor. Remember, our speech is violence but their violence is speech. Feh.
On the political front, Keith Ellison won his primary for MN AG as more allegations of abuse are revealed. The Pussy-Hat posse is nowhere to be found and check the link where Ellison actually sounded as if he threatened his accuser. The President slammed Andrew Cuomo for his anti-American comments and was joined by Cuomo rival "Dickless" Nixon, though her angle of attack was rather different as you can imagine. Bill Nelson and the Dems are circling the wagons around him for his evidently lying about Russia hacking the Florida electoral system, and despite Omarosa and every other crackpot racialist accusing the President, his support among Black Americans is soaring. And with all that talk of a blue wave more and more Dems are now willing to meet with Brett Kavanaugh, even as they desperately attempt to dig up dirt to derail his nomination and seating on SCOTUS.
In First Amendment and Fake Newsery News, Reality Winner is going to get a dose of her first name good and hard, interesting links about Big Tech and censorship, Shopify is punishing gun-related vendors, and good pieces about the Left and the concept of free speech.
Domestically, some blood-boiling links about pensions, pension crises, billion dollar frauds, the root causes of black American destruction and why perhaps they're starting to flock to PDT, the great noodle heist and other picture postcards. Meanwhile, a new rule at the EPA promises to put its regulatory rationale under the microscope and balloons may be the next target for termination after straws.
From hither and yon, Hillary Clinton is paving the way for another little girl to never be president of the United States, Kareem Abdul-Jabroni should try living as black man anywhere in the fundamentalist Muslim world and get edjumacted about slavery for real, and finally, Private Emil F. Ragucci comes home from Tarawa at long last. May his memory be for a blessing.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Jim Jordan Lists Former and Current Officials: If Any Still Have Clearances, "They Should Lost It"
- Trump-Supporting Pentagon Analyst Stripped of Security Clearance After Lodging Complaints About Stephan Halper (the Aussie spy linked to Brennan who helped concoct the Pisher Papers - jjs)
- Levin: "There Is No Constitutional Issue"; What the Hell Did Brennan Do With His Clearance Anyway?
- "I Will Not Relent": Brennan Calls Revoking of Security Clearance an Attack on Free Speech
- And the Meme is Born: Dick "Weed" Blumenthal Sez Removing Brennan's Security Clearance is Unconstitutional
- Missouri Man Arrested for Pointing Loaded Gun at Pro-Life Protester
- How Bruce Ohr Could Implicate High-Raking Obama Officials in SpyGate
- Rasmussen: Black American Approval Rating for PDT Almost Doubles Despite Racism Smear Campaign
- "Total Meltdown" - PDT Slams Andrew Cuomo Over Anti-America Comment
- ..."Dickless" Nixon Piles On, But Not Quite the Same Way
- Keith "X" Issues Thinly-Veiled Threat to Ex: "We Don't Have to Destroy Each Other" Over Domestic Abuse Allegations (sounds better in the original "I keeeeeeel you!" - jjs)
- New Evidence Emerges in Ellison Domestic Abuse Allegations (where have all the pussy-hats gone... - jjs)
- Rick Scott, GOP Not Buying Bill Nelson's Excuses: "Either Lying or Circling Back to Try and Cover Up"
- ISIS Member Who Applied for Refugee Status Arrested on Murder Charges in California (the headline is like a Snickers bar; jam-packed with goodness - jjs)
- Reality Winner Faces "Longest Sentence" Ever for Federal Crime Involving Leaking to Media
- Fahrenheit 404
- Mark Warner Ups the Ante with Big Tech Regulation Proposals (considering his party affiliation, color me wary - jjs)
- Why Leftism Can Never Truly Support the Concept of Free Speech
- Editorial Collusion by Dozens of Newspapers Proves PDT's Point: The Media Are Biased
- Get This, the Chappaqua Choad Praises 11-Year-Old Girl for Kneeling During Pledge of Allegiance: "Keep Up the Good Work"
- Shopify Purges Gun-Related Retailers, CEO Deletes Free Speech Commitment
- Meet the Native-Hawaiian Vet Who Just Won a Major Gun-Carry Case
- Turkish Court Rejects Appeal to Release Imprisoned American Pastor
- Ireland's War on Israel
- Leftist ProPublica Asks Public for Dirt on Brett Kavanaugh's Baseball Buddies
- More Democrats Plan to Meet with Brett Kavanaugh (the blue wave of a white flag? - jjs)
- White House: PDT Wants to See Harley Davidson Back in the US
- The Battle for Houston
- Controversial Program Allowed LA Police Chief to "Retire," Collect $1.27 Million, and Get Rehired (pension crisis, what pension crisis? - jjs)
- Money for Nothing and the Rent's For Free
- How the Department of Labor Undermined the Black Community (thank you, LBJ - jjs)
- Greenfield: The Billion Dollar Homeless Scam
- $100,000 Worth of Ramen Noodles Stolen from Truck in Georgia
- Drugs Killed More Than 70,000 Americans in 2017
- Will PDT Be Impeached for Obamacare "Sabotage?" Slim's Slimes Concocts the Scenario (safe link to Spectator - jjs)
- K-12: Creating the "Ideal" School
- SJW School District Disaster
- With 250,000 Comments In, EPA Set to Move on Contentious "Secret Science" Rule
- Putting Science on the Stand (more about the RoundUp/Monsanto case - jjs)
- Today Straws, Tomorrow Balloons? (or bursting Sandra Fluke's bubble - jjs)
- Kareem Abdul-
Jabbar-Jabroni Compares National Anthem to Slave Song, or Something (move to Mecca and start whistling Dixie, stooge - jjs)
- Gender-Neutral Bathrooms Hit Kansas City Public Schools
- San Fran-shit-hole Launches Poo Patrol Squadron to Deal with Feces in the Streets
- Instagram City
- Sick Freak Tranny Candidate Makes Vile Comment About "Crazy Radicalized Christians" (strongest case ever for burqas - jjs)
- Welcome Home from Bloody Tarawa, Pvt. Emil F. Ragucci (laid to rest next to his brother who was killed in Italy - jjs)